Jim Mehrer's
Mail Bid Sale #136
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Section 7:

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STAMPS on Covers & Cards (Scott # is followed by centering of stamp.)
ST-1. 26 w/"broken" lines at T; A, Charlotteville, NY, ca.1859, partial CDS on 2.5x4.25" cvr. E $12 MIN.6
ST-2. 26 w/"broken" lines at B; A, Boston, MA, [1860], G+ red CDS/partial "Paid" grid on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
ST-3. 35, A (upper R tip nib), Sacramento, CA, 1860, G CDS (R arc & part of date on stamp) on cvr. E $40
ST-4. 63/65, A, New York, NY, 1862, G DCDS on cvr to Pawtucket, RI. E $40
ST-5. 63/65, F/A, New York, NY, 1862, G DCDS/target on to Westfield, MA. E $40
ST-6. 113, A (SE at L), Lynn, MA, ca.1869, G+ CDS/cork on local cvr (ruff slit L). E $120
ST-7. 113, A, Philadelphia, PA, ca.1870, G CDS/cork; "Philidore S.Bell, Att'y at Law" albino embossed oval ad cc on local cvr. E $100 MIN.50
ST-8. 156 (x3: pair+single), F, Portland, OR, 1878, G+ CDS/cork on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
ST-9. 189, F (lite cr), New York, NY, 1880, VG duplex; "p.Str.Scythia" ms instruction at T; 15c solo on 5x6.75" cvr (trim L; edge tears; L tip nick) to Germany. E $50
ST-10. 205 (x2), F-A, East Buffalo Sta., NY, 1887, partial duplex on cvr (edge tears) to Germany. E $24 MIN.12
ST-11. 205, F, (Indistinct town), MI, 1888, partial CDS/cork on cvr (trim L) to France. E $16
ST-12. 212, F-A, (Indistinct canx), 1880s, partial ovals on 1c wrapper (cr) to Germany. E $8
ST-13. 216/212/213, A, K.C. & Pueblo, RPO/W.D., 1889, G CDS/cork (dial bit hi) on 2c PSE to Germany. E $40
ST-14. 230, F-A, Portland, OR, ca.1893, partial mute ovals on 1c wrapper to Germany. E $15
ST-15. 231: "broken hat" variety; F-A, Chicago, IL, 1893, G+ Int'l; Heyman & Frohman cc; stamp applied upside down on cvr. E $20 MIN.10
ST-16. 231: "broken hat" variety; A, Kan City & Pueblo/RPO, 1894, G+ CDS/cork (minor perf tip crs) "Santa Fe Route" logo cc on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
ST-17. 236, F, Shippensburgh, PA, 1895, partial CDS/cork; 1st Nat'l bank cc on reg'd 2c PSE. E $20
ST-18. 255, F, Milwaukee/Sta.C, WI, 1898, G+ duplex on "Souvenir Card" PPC to Germany. E $30
ST-19. 267 w/PL#432 at T; A, Scranton, PA, 1897, F Barry; druggist on cvr w/edge tear R. E $15
ST-20. 267 w/PL#503 at B; F (upper R tip nick), Lawson, MO, 1898, G+ CDS/cork on cvr (edge tears & crs T). E $12 MIN.6
ST-21. 267 w/PL#479 at L; F, Newcastle, PA, 1915, VG Colum.; late use on cvr. E $14
ST-22. 279 w/PL#535 on WIDE selvage at B; Cleveland, OH, 1899, G+ Barry on priv.mailing card. E $15 MIN.8
ST-23. 279B, F, Indianapolis, IN, 1900, F duplex on tiny 2.25x3" cvr. E $12 MIN.6
ST-24. 280, F, Honesdale, PA, 1903, F duplex on 1c PSE to Germany. E $12 MIN.6
ST-25. 281, F-A, Mattapoisett, MA, 1899, G+ CDS/cork on cvr (no flap) to England. E $12 MIN.6
ST-26. 281, A, Brattleboro, VT, 1900, F Amer/B14; Esty Organ Co.cc; 5c Grant on 5c Grant PSE (Sc.U377) to Germany. E $15 MIN.8
ST-27. 281, F-A (1 tip nib), Bethany, IL, 1902, G+ duplex on cvr to Germany. E $6
ST-28. 285 pair; A (1 w/tip nib); E5 special del; F; New York/W, NY, 1898, F duplex; Peter Henderson, Seedsmen fancy ad cc; text ad & illus.logo on back; on special del.cvr (edge tear R). E $50 MIN.26
ST-29. 285 pair, F, Port Washington, WI, 1899, partial CDS/cork; Ozaukee Co.register of deeds cc on bit lite tone cvr. E $20 MIN.10
ST-30. 285, A, Brooklyn/Sta.G, NY, 1899, G+ duplex on "Mail Card" PPC (heavy cr, not affecting stamp). E $15 MIN.8
ST-31. 285, F, Chi & Mil Ave/RPO, 1906, G CH-6-b on 1c GPC (Sc.UX18) to Germany. E $24 MIN.12
ST-32. 286, F, Springfield, MA, 1898, VG Amer/B14(1) on cvr. E $5
ST-33. 286, F, Lamberton, MN, 1898, F CDS/cork; ms "due 2¢" at L; part scuffed 2c due stamp below (not tied but clearly belongs) on cvr to Mankato. E $15 MIN.8
ST-34. 286, F-A, St.Louis, MO, 1899, G+ Barry; St.Louis Gold Recovery Co.cc on lite tone cvr. E $15 MIN.8
ST-35. 286, F-A (SE at R), Brooklyn, NY, 1899, G+ Barry on priv.mailing card (tip cr) to Germany. E $20
ST-36. 286 (x3), F/A (1 w/tiny tear); (Indistinct RPO), 1900, partial CDS origin on cvr (T & R flaps gone) to Italy. E $20
ST-37. 287, F, Watsonville, CA, 1899, G+ duplex on 1c PSE to Austria. E $80
ST-38. 287/264, F-A/F, Chi & Went Ave/RPO, 1900, G CH-7-b; 4c Trans-Miss +1c blue on 3-panel PPC: "Panorama of Chicago Lake Front" (tip cr) to Germany. E $80
ST-39. 288, F, New Orleans/Sta.D, LA, 1899, G+ straight-line h/s w/cork killer; 5c Trans-Miss (not tied but obviously belongs) on add.side of reg'd 2c PSE w/1c green & 2c red tied to back, paying balance of reg'd fee. E $60 MIN.30
ST-40. 294, A, Buffalo, NY, 1901, VG duplex on Pan-Am Expo priv.mailing card (ink specks in add.area). E $6
ST-41. 296, F; stamp only, w/partial Chicago Mad.St.RPO canx. E $15 MIN.8
ST-42. 299, F (couple nib perfs), Chi & N.Clark St.RPO Chi.Ill/2, 1903, G+ CH-1-b Tr2 on cvr to Germany. This also listed in "Railroad: Street Cars" section. E $120
ST-43. 300, A, Seattle, WA, 1906, G+ Int'l; 1c Frank.solo on tiny 2.5x3.5" cvr. E $12 MIN.6
ST-44. 300 (x2); F/A, Rockford, IL, 1906, G+ Barry on PPC to "City"; 2nd stamp applied when fwd to Elgin, IL. E $16
ST-45. 300 w/PL#3201 at B; F-A, Rye, (NY?), 1906, G duplex (state partial) on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-46. 300 w/PL#3371 at B: FREAK w/DOUBLE ROW of horiz.perfs in selvage, 1 above & 1 below #; F-A, Lookout Mountain, TN, 1907, G+ duplex on PPC. E $150 MIN.75
ST-47. 300 w/PL#3477 (underinked) at B; A, Philadelphia/Broad St.Sta., PA, 1907, F Int'l on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-48. 300 w/60% PL#3910 at B; F, Cincinnati, OH, 1908, G+ Int'l on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-49. 300 w/PL#4673 at B (perfs pass thru #); F, Albany, NY, 1908, G+ Int'l on lite tone PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-50. 300 w/PL#4608 at B; F-A, Chi & Went Ave/RPO, 1908, partial duplex, but date complete; on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-51. 300 w/PL#4753 at B; A (selvage tip nib), Chicago, IL, 1909, G+ Time-Cmns on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-52. 303, A, Denison, IA, 1907, F duplex; 4c solo on cvr (part lite tone; edge tears). E $8
ST-53. 304, F-A, New Orleans, LA, 1908, G+ duplex on 5c PSE Sc.U377 to France. E $15 MIN.8
ST-54. 306 vert.pr, F (SE at B on lower stamp), Ashley, SD, 1904, G+ duplex; printed paragraph at L re.depositions, signed by notary; on reg'd #10 cvr. E $16
ST-55. 306/319, F, Youngstown, OH, 1907, G+ DCDS/reg'd; Covert Plumbing cc on reg'd cvr (lite tone; bit ruff upper L). E $12 MIN.6
ST-56. 314 w/Schermack ty.3 perfs; guide line at R; A, Hillsdale, MI, 1909, VG Int'l on commer.PPC (appears to be salesman's notice) w/"A.T.Lincoln" red h/s at bottom of message area. E $140
ST-57. 314V: PARKHURST Vending Machine coil; miscut, w/"Postage/One Cent" at T; horiz.guide line between; A, Indianapolis, IN, 1908 (Sep 7), F Int'l; NEWLY DISCOVERED example; apparently had ruff T edge, so was trimmed straight while on (lite tone) PPC, as stated in 2023 Philatelic Foudation certificate: "genuine, bottom edge from Parkhurst Vending Machine knife, no private Parkhurst perfs, top of stamp trimmed away so no... advancing machine center holes". E $10,000 MIN.5,000
ST-58. 319, F-A (SE at L), Utica, NY, 1905, G Int'l on GPC Sc.UX18 w/Halloween newspaper comic adhered to back (boy & girl bobbing for apples), requiring letter rate, overpaid by 1c. E $15
ST-59. 319,F-A, Wall Street Sta., NY, 1907, G+ Int'l w/dateless dial; "Printed Matter/Souvenir Mail Card" header on 4x6" 3-panel PPC (Singer Bldg) to France. Orig.address then erased & remailed w/10c France canxed Paris VG DCDS, to Germany. RARE use & combo. E $100
ST-60. 319 pair, F-A, Jefferson, OH, 1908, VG duplex; 4c inexplicably overpaying by 3c on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
ST-61. 320, F (lite preprinting wrinkle), Chi & Went Ave/RPO, 1910, partial CH-7-b; Col.J.A.Schmidt h/s cc; illus.eagle & flag on cvr to Germany. E $30 MIN.15
ST-62. 323, F-A, Washington, DC, 1904, VF duplex on lite tone PPC. E $7
ST-63. 323, F-A (SE at R), San Francisco/St.D, CA, 1905, G+ Int'l on lite tone PPC. E $6
ST-64. 323, F (SE at L), Chicago, IL, 1910, VG Time-Cmns on PPC: "think I will go to the ball game this PM..." (Cubs won, 4-3). E $8
ST-65. 325, F, Philadelphia/F.D., PA, 1904, G+ duplex; 3c Monroe on 2c PSE to Germany. E $40 MIN.20
ST-66. 328, F-A, Chicago, IL, 1907, VG Int'l on PPC. E $8
ST-67. 328 w/full "Bureau, Engraving & Printing" in B selvage; A, Ocean Park, CA, 1907, VG duplex on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-68. 328: Lot of 13, F-A, 1907, on PPCs. MIN.$38
ST-69. 329, A, Normal, IL, 1907, G+ duplex on lite tone PPC to England. E $8
ST-70. 331 w/PL#5003 & open * at B; A (upper R tip fault), Lincoln, NE, 1909, VG Int'l on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
ST-71. 331 w/95% PL#4993 & open * at B; F, Decatur, IL, 1909, F Amer/B14(1) on lite tone PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-72. 331 w/PL#5242 at B; A, Chicago/Kinzie Sta., IL, 1910, G+ Int'l on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-73. 331 w/PL#5187 & most of open * at B; F, Easton, PA, 1910, F Colum. on lite tone PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-74. 331 w/PL#5232 & most of open * at B; F, Albany, NY, 1910, G Int'l on bit cr PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-75. 331 w/PL#5336 at B; odd natural application of 2mm wide strip of gum on B edge of stamp surface; F-A (L tip of selvage nib), Clinton, IA, 1910, G+ Amer/B14() on PPC. E $20
ST-76. 331 w/90% PL#5180 & part open * at B; A, K.C. & LaJunta/RPO, 1910, G+ duplex on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-77. 331 w/98% PL#5180 & open * at B; F-A, Seattle, WA, 1910, G+ Int'l on lite tone PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-78. 331 w/95% PL#5330 & open * at B; VF, Atlantic City, NJ, 1910, F Int'l on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-79. 331 w/PL#5279 & open * at B; A, Racine, WI, 1910, VG Colum. on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-80. 331 (or 374), A (tear), applied by addressee to PAY POSTAGE DUE; tied by duplex killer only; bit cr 1c postage due stamp tied by Farmer City, IL, mute box, ca.1910, on PPC mailed w/o stamp. SCARCE use, despite faults. E $15 MIN.8
ST-81. 331 w/PL#4989 & most open * at B; A, Minneapolis/Riverside Sta., MN, 1911, G+ Colum. on bit lite tone PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-82. 331 w/PL#5259 & bit of open * at B; F-A, Peoria, IL, 1911, F Int'l on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-83. 332 (x6), F, Baltimore, MD, 1910, G+ duplex on special del.cvr (edge tear T). E $15
ST-84. 338, F, Perry, NY, 1909, G+ duplex; Perry Knitting Co.cc on reg'd 2c PSE (trim L). E $15 MIN.8
ST-85. 343 w/Schermack ty.3 perfs; F-A, Chicago, IL, 1909, G+ Time-Cmns; W.W.Kimball Co./Pianos & Organs cc; 1c solo on cvr (lite crs, not affecting stamp). E $30
ST-86. 343 w/Schermack ty.3 perfs; F, Chicago, IL, 1910, VG Time-Cmns; Mandel Bros.order acknowledgement at L on ad PPC. E $30
ST-87. 343, F-A, Chicago, IL, 1910, F Time-Cmns on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
ST-88. 348, F, Chicago, IL, 1910, VF Time-Cmns on lite tone PPC. E $80 MIN.40
ST-89. 348, F, San Francisco, CA, 1910, G+ Int'l; Pan-Pac Int'l Expo logo above message on Expo campaign PPC (lite tone). E $90
ST-90. 348, F, San Francisco, CA, 1910, VG Int'l; Pan-Pac Int'l Expo logo above message on Expo campaign PPC. E $100
ST-91. 352, F, Des Moines, IA, 1910, G+ Int'l on PPC. E $250
ST-92. 357, F-A, Washington, DC, 1909, G+ Int'l; 1c BLUISH PAPER on PPC. E $180 MIN.90
ST-93. 357, F, Washington, DC, 1909 (Mar 5), F Int'l; 1c bluish paper on PPC. Day after Taft INAUGURATION. E $100 MIN.50
ST-94. 357, F, Washington, DC, 1909, F Int'l; 1c BLUISH PAPER on lite tone PPC. E $100 MIN.50
ST-95. 357, F-A (SE at R), Alexandria, VA, 1909, F Amer/B14(1); 1c BLUISH PAPER on bit lite tone PPC. RARE when used outside Washington, DC. E $200 MIN.100
ST-96. 357, F (SE at R), Washington, DC, 1909, VG Int'l; 1c BLUISH PAPER on bit cr PPC. E $100 MIN.50
ST-97. 357, F (SE at T & R; toned), Washington, DC, 1909, G+ Int'l; on toned PPC. AS IS for toning, but ID as 1c BLUISH PAPER is sure, verified by known correspondence. E $40 MIN.20
ST-98. 357, F, Washington, DC, 1909, G+ Int'l; 1c BLUISH PAPER on PPC w/crnr nib. E $90 MIN.46
ST-99. 367, F, Chambersburg, PA, 1909, F Amer/B14 on cvr. E $5
ST-100. 367, F (SE at B), Chicago/Pullman Sta., IL, 1909, partial Doremus on PPC. E $6
ST-101. 370, F, Chicago/Rogers Pk.Sta., IL, 1909, VF duplex; 2c Seward, overpaying rate on PPC. E $6
ST-102. 370, F (few nib perfs T), Kilbourn, WI, 1909, F duplex (dial bit hi) 2c Seward paying proper rate on 2-panel PPC (Wisconsin Dells: Steamboat Rock). E $12 MIN.6
ST-103. 370, F (few nib perfs T), Kilbourn, WI, 1909, F duplex (dial hi: "BO" partly off) 2c Seward paying proper rate on 2-panel PPC (Wisconsin Dells: Narrows). E $12 MIN.6
ST-104. 370, F, Chicago/Kinzie Sta., IL, 1909, F Int'l (o/s) 2c Seward, overpaying rate on PPC. E $6
ST-105. 371, F, Chicago, IL, 1909, VF Time-Cmns; 2c Seward imperf on cvr. E $60 MIN.30
ST-106. 371, F, Ossining, NY, 1909, G+ Int'l on cvr to Treasurer, W.C.S.P.C.C. E $30 MIN.15
ST-107. 372, F, New York/Westchester, NY, 1909, G duplex on Hudson-Fulton Celebration PPC to Germany. E $15 MIN.8
ST-108. 374 (or 331) w/PL#5402 & most of open * at B; A, Bloomington, IL, 1911, F Amer/B14 on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-109. 374 (or 331?) w/PL#5416 & part open * at B; F, Springfield, 1911, VG+ Time-Cmns on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-110. 374 w/98% PL#5496 & part open * at B; F-A, Chicago, IL, 1911, F Time-Cmns on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-111. 374 (or 331?) booklet pane pair w/SE's at sides; A, Detroit, MI, 1911, G+ Int'l on lite tone PPC to Canada. E $24
ST-112. 374 w/PL#5481 at T; A (tab bit faulty where off edge; lower R tip nick), Brooklyn/Sta.E, NY, 1911, G+ Int'l on PPC. E $8
ST-113. 374 w/PL#5595 & bit of open * at B; F, St.Louis, MO, 1911, G Int'l on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-114. 383, A (lower R bit cr), Rock Island, IL, 1911, G+ Time-Cmns; Modern Woodmen receipt on PPC. E $6
ST-115. 383 w/Schermack ty.3 perfs, A, Biddeford, ME, 1911, G+ Amer/B14; private use on PPC. E $20
ST-116. 384V imperf coil; F, San Francisco, CA, 1912, VF SF15-09-01 PPIE slogan; Pacific Portland Cement Co.cc on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
ST-117. 384V imperf coil w/PASTE-UP strip at B; F (small scuff at lower R); San Francisco, CA, 1912, F SF15-09-09B PPIE slogan on cvr (edge tears T; nick L; no flap); w/1985 Philatelic Foundation certificate (shows old "384E" cat.#). E $100 MIN.50
ST-118. 385 (or 348?), F-A, Kansas City/Sta.A?, MO, ca.1911, G duplex (year not struck) Murphy Chair Co., Detroit, salesman's notice on PPC. E $40
ST-119. 387, F, Chi & C.Bluffs RPO/W.D., 1911, G duplex on PPC. E $150
ST-120. 387, F, Ann Arbor, MI, 1913, F Time-Cmns on PPC. E $150
ST-121. 390 LINE PAIR; F, Seattle, WA, 1912, VF SF15-18B PPIE slogan on penalty cvr (trim L; cr, not affecting stamps). E $120 MIN.60
ST-122. 390 line pair; F, Hudson Term.Sta., NY, 1914, G+ Univ. on cvr (cr). E $150
ST-123. 392, A, Detroit, MI, 1911, G+ Int'l on PPC. E $60 MIN.30
ST-124. 392, A, Detroit, MI, 1911, VF Int'l on PPC. E $60 MIN.30
ST-125. 392, A, Detroit, MI, 1911, G+ Int'l on PPC. E $55
ST-126. 392, F-A, Bluffton, IN, 1911, G+ Doremus on PPC. E $65 MIN.34
ST-127. 392, F, Detroit/Sta.D, MI, 1912, G+ Amer/B38 on PPC. E $50
ST-128. 392, F, Denver, CO, 1912, G+ Int'l on PPC. E $70 MIN.36
ST-129. 393, F (R perfs blunt), Trenton, NJ, 1914, G Int'l on cvr (lite tone; edge tear T; no flap). E $30 MIN.15
ST-130. 397 (x12), F-A (4 w/SE's; 3 bit faulty; 2 wrapped around L edge); Newport News, VA, 1913, G duplex; 1c Balboa stamps: 4 each at T & B; 2 each at L & R on special del.cvr (no flap). GREAT visual effect. E $120 MIN.60
ST-131. 397, VF (WIDE margins), Battle Creek, MI, 1913, VG Univ. on PPC. E $14
ST-132. 397 pair/398 (SE at R); A, Portland/Mail Div, OR, 1914, G duplex on cvr (tear T). Neat combo pays 2 oz.rate. E $15 MIN.8
ST-133. 398, F (SE at L), New York/Grand Cent.Sta., NY, 1919, G+ Univ.; 2c PPIE; UNUSUAL use for this, paying War Rate on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-134. 399, F-A (SE at L), New Haven, CT, ca.1913, VG duplex on cvr to BOSNIA (year omitted in origin canx; partial in recd canx; bit ruff trim R). E $30 MIN.15
ST-135. 399, F-A, San Francisco, CA, 1913, VG SF15-09-02 PPIE slogan on cvr to Japan (slight ruff trim R; bit lite tone). E $40
ST-136. 399, F, Sacramento, CA, 1913, VG SF15-20 PPIE slogan; Hotel Sacramento illus.slogan on cvr (edge wear T) to CEYLON. E $50 MIN.26
ST-137. 399 (x3: pair +single), F, Ottawa, OH, 1913, G DCDS/Reg'd as origin b/s on reg'd cvr to Colombia. E $75
ST-138. 399 (block/4), A, New York/Times Square Sta., NY, 1913, G+ duplex on special del.cvr. E $100 MIN.50
ST-139. 399, F, Orange, MA, 1913, F Amer/A14 on cvr w/enc.to Sweden. E $30 MIN.15
ST-140. 399/378 (SE at R)/406, F, Nashota, WI, 1914, G duplex on reg'd cvr (crnr tips bit rounded; edge tears T). E $30 MIN.15
ST-141. 399, F, St.Louis, MO, 1914, VF Int'l; Marquette Hotel illus.ad on cvr to Germany. E $40
ST-142. 399 w/PL#6133 at B; F, Seattle/Term.Sta., WA, 1916, G+ Int'l on 3x6" cvr to Australia. E $100 MIN.50
ST-143. 400/399, F-A (5c w/blunt perfs T), San Francisco (Sta.#23), CA, 1913, G DCDS as origin b/s on reg'd cvr to Switzerland. E $65
ST-144. 400/405/406 (x2), A/F, New York (Wall St.Sta.), NY, 1913, G+ DCDS/Reg'd as origin b/s; Edw.J.Koller/Philatelist ad label as "seal" on flap, on reg'd cvr to AUSTRIA. E $70
ST-145. 400/378, A/F, Brooklyn/Sta.#33, NY, 1913, G+ DCDS/Reg'd as origin b/s on reg'd cvr to Algeria. E $100
ST-146. 400/406, F, St.Paul, MN, 1914, G+ DCDS/Reg.Div. as origin b/s on reg'd cvr to Cuba. E $60
ST-147. 400/372/397 (x2), A/F, San Antonio, TX, 1915, G+ DCDS/Reg'd as origin b/s on reg'd cvr. E $60
ST-148. 400/399, F-A/F, Hutchinson, KS, 1921, G+ DCDS/Reg'd as origin b/s; J.Slansky, Ladies Tailoring cc ST-149. 400A, F (SE at R), Klau, CA, 1913, G+ 4-bar as origin b/s on reg'd 5c PSE to Switzerland. E $80
ST-150. 400A/406 (x2), F/A, San Francisco (Sta.K), CA, 1915, G+ DCDS/Reg'd as origin b/s; Bashford Smith, Blueprinter large label as cc on #10 reg'd cvr. E $75
ST-151. 400A/402, F (both w/lite crs), Port & Boston/RPO, 1915, partial duplex; Atlantic Express cc; "Special Delivery Fee/Paid at/Boston, Mass..." h/s on #10 special del.cvr (crs). E $40 MIN.20
ST-152. 400A/402, A/F (tear in 2c); Sac'to & San Fran/RPO, 1915, G duplex; "PF" perfin (ty.P82; Pacific Fruit) on special del.cvr (flap mostly off; edge tear T). E $65
on reg'd cvr to Czechoslovakia. E $80
ST-153. 401, F, Elmira, NY, 1915, F Colum. on PPC. E $14
ST-154. 401, F, Chicago, IL, 1915, G+ duplex on PPC (lite crs). E $15 MIN.8
ST-155. 401, F, Rome City, IN, 1915, G+ 4-bar on litho exaggeration PPC (giant fish on wagon). E $12 MIN.6
ST-156. 401, F, San Francisco, CA, 1915, G+ SF15-09-10A PPIE slogan on Expo PPC. E $12 MIN.6
ST-157. 401 pair; F, Powell, OH, 1915, G+ duplex on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
ST-158. 401, F, San Francisco, CA, ca.1915, G+ Int'l (year partial) on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
ST-159. 403/433, F/A, Chicago (Sta.#157), IL, 1915, G+ DCDS as origin b/s on reg'd cvr to Sweden. E $60
ST-160. 403 (pair)/402, F, Port & Boston/RPO, 1915, partial duplex; Atlantic Express cc; "Special Delivery Fee/Paid at/Boston, Mass..." h/s on #10 special del.cvr (cr, not affecting stamps). E $75
ST-161. 403, F-A, Allegan, MI, 1916, F Amer/A14 on cvr (cr, not affecting stamp). E $50
ST-162. 404 (block/4), F-A (bottom 2 stamps w/SE at B); Cleveland/Sta.E, OH, 1916, G+ duplex on approx.4.5x9" irreg.PIECE ONLY from special del.mailing. E $400
ST-163. 404, F, Durham, NH, 1916, G+ DCDS/Reg'd as origin b/s; mute ovals as canx on stamp; 10c Pan-Pac pf.10 solo on reg'd cvr. E $180
ST-164. 404 (1 short perf)/428, F, Brooklyn (Sta.S), NY, 1917, G+ DCDS/reg'd as origin b/s on reg'd cvr to Russia (trim L, just in add.). E $100 MIN.50
ST-165. 405 w/PL#A5874 at B; F, Portland, OR, 1912, G+ PPIE slogan on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-166. 405 w/PL#6837 at B; F, Southbridge, MA, ca.1912, VG RFD 11F ms scribble only (mostly obliterating portrait, but not on #) on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-167. 405 w/PL#6485 at T; F, Lansing, MI, 1913, G+ Univ. on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-168. 405 w/PL#6613 at B; F-A, Sala & Chic/RPO, 1914, G+ duplex on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-169. 408 w/Schermack ty.3 perfs; F-A, Denver, CO, 1912, G+ Int'l on PPC. E $24
ST-170. 408 w/Schermack ty.3 perfs; guide line & full perfs a R); F-A, Des Moines, IA, 1912, G+ Int'l on PC w/Iowa State Traveling Men's Ass'n receipt on back. E $24
ST-171. 409 w/Schermack ty.3 perfs, F (SE at R), Chicago, IL, 1913, F Time-Cmns (flap partly off) Fidelity-Phenix Fire Ins.cc on bit lite tone cvr. E $16
ST-172. 409 w/Schermack ty.3 perfs; F, New York/Penn Term Sta., NY, 1915, F Amer/C25(2)(C); D.Appleton/Publishers cc on cvr. E $24
ST-173. 411, F-A, San Francisco, CA, 1913, VG SF15-09-10 PPIE slogan; Whittier Coburn Co.cc; illus.ad (Dustless Floor Oil box) on cvr. E $30 MIN.15
ST-174. 412, A, Chicago, IL, 1912, VG Time-Cmns on bit cr PPC. E $24
ST-175. 412, F, Galesburg, IL, 1912, G+ Amer/B14 on PPC. E $50
ST-176. 412, F-A, Grand Rapids, MI, 1912, G+ Int'l on PPC. E $16
ST-177. 412, F, San Francisco, CA, 1913, VG SF15-09-05 PPIE slogan w/3rd class dateless dial on ad PPC w/reply card removed. E $40
ST-178. 412, F, Fountain City, WI, 1913, G+ duplex on PPC. E $30
ST-179. 412, F-A, Omaha/Union Depot Postal Sta., NE, 1913, G+ Int'l on PPC. E $24
ST-180. 412, F, Grand Rapids, MI, 1913, VG Univ. on PPC. E $30
ST-181. 412, F, Denver, CO, 1913, G+ Int'l on PPC. E $24
ST-182. 412, F-A, Ann Arbor, MI, 1913, G+ Univ.; Students' Christian Ass'n Univ.YMCA/Employment Bureau jobs report at L on PPC (crnr crs). E $30
ST-183. 412, F, Sciota, IL, 1914, G+ 4-bar on PPC. E $20
ST-184. 412, A, Asheville, NC, 1914, F Amer/A14 on PPC. E $40
ST-185. 412, F-A, Marietta, PA, 1914, G+ Amer/A14 on PPC. E $20
ST-186. 412, F, Kalamazoo, MI, 1915, VG Univ. on cr PPC. E $20
ST-187. 413, F, Los Angeles/Sta.C, CA, 1912, F SF15-15E PPIE slogan on window cvr. E $50
ST-188. 413, F, Seattle, WA, 1913, F SF15-18C PPIE slogan on cvr. E $60
ST-189. 413 w/PASTE-UP at L; F, Cleveland/Sta.A, OH, 1913, G+ Univ. on PPC. E $50
ST-190. 413 w/PASTE-UP strip at L; A (SE at R; full perfs at L; 1mm gap between designs), San Francisco, CA, 1914, VG+ SF15-09-06A PPIE slogan; Baker & Hamilton, Los Angeles, cc; Gilson Gasoline Engines illus.ad (engine) on cvr. E $70
ST-191. 413, F, Boston/So.Boston Sta., MA, 1914, G+ Ame/B38; Berger Mfg.Co.cc on cvr. E $24
ST-192. 424 w/98% PL#7538 at T; F, Providence/Edgewood Sta., RI, 1915, VG Colum. on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-193. 424 w/PL#7525 at B; A, Tiffin, OH, 1916, VG Colum. on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-194. 425a (or 463a?) booklet pane/6, A (2 w/margin tears), New York (Sta.D?), NY, 1920, partial DCDS as origin b/s; Union Square Savings Bank cc on reg'd 4.5x7" cvr (trim L; tiny tear T). E $24 MIN.12
ST-195. 428, F, Plymouth, MA, 1915, VG Amer/B14; 5c overpaying rate on PPC. E $6
ST-196. 433, F (couple nib perfs; SE at R), New York/Hudson Term.Sta., NY, 1916, F Univ.; censor tape L; 10c paying special del.fee on 2c PSE (bit ruff trim R to stamp) to Canada. E $15 MIN.8
ST-197. 443, F-A, Greeley, CO, 1915, F Int'l; State Teachers College printed ad at L on ad PPC (crnr crs). E $50
ST-198. 443, F, Seattle, WA, 1915, F PPIE slogan on PPC (cr; address part smear). E $55
ST-199. 443, F, Niagara Falls, NY, 1916, F Int'l on PPC. E $30
ST-200. 443, F-A, Boston/So.Postal Sta., MA, 1917, G+ Amer/B38 on PPC. E $55
ST-201. 444 w/PASTE-UP strip at L; F-A (few short perfs L; affixer cut line to L of nose, but parts perfectly alined); Philadelphia, PA, 1914, VF Int'l; Barber & Perkins Grocers fancy ad cc on window cvr (upper L edge ruff). E $50
ST-202. 444/399 pair; F, Portland, OR, 1914, F DCDS/Reg'd as origin b/s; Pacific States Fire Ins.Co.cc on reg'd cvr (trim R). E $75
ST-203. 452, F (lite tone), Racine, WI, 1915, VG Univ. on toned PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-204. 452, F, Chicago, IL, 1916, F Int'l; angled strike, so add'l "smudge" killer applied on PPC. E $24
ST-205. 452, F-A, Canton, OH, 1916, F Amer/A14 on PPC. E $24
ST-206. 453, F-A, San Francisco, CA, 1915, G SF15-09-10A PPIE slogan; Sanborn, Vail & Co.cc w/text ad & logo; Pan-Pac Int'l Expo logo on window cvr. E $50
ST-207. 487, F-A, Spartanburg, SC, 1918, VF Univ. on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-208. 487, F, Salt Lake City/Ft.Douglas Sta., UT, 1918, G+ duplex; Co.C-70th Engineers return add.; 2c coil paying War Rate on PPC. E $20
ST-209. 488, F-A, Newark, NJ, 1917, VF Int'l on window cvr. E $12 MIN.6
ST-210. 493, F, Fort Leavenworth, KS, 1918, G+ duplex; overpaying 2c rate on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
ST-211. 498 w/75% of PL#8391 at B; F; Oak Park, IL, 1919, F Univ. on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-212. 498: single +att'd vert.bisect accepted as 1.5c postage; F; United States/Sea P.O., 1925, VF duplex/3; "Printed Matter" typed at T on cvr to U.S. E $40
ST-213. 499 w/PL#10507 at B; F, Seattle/Term.Sta., WA, 1921, VG Univ. on cvr (tiny tear B). E $15 MIN.8
ST-214. 501/499, F (2c tear), (Indistinct town), Japan, [1918], F DCDS; U.S.censor tape R; Tokyo G+ DCDS as transit at L on cvr (trim L; nicks) to U.S. 3c +2c Wash.ACCEPTED AS POSTAGE in JAPAN. E $40
ST-215. 504 pair, F (1 w/SE), Lancaster, OH, 1919, G+ Amer/A14; w/3c Sc.530 on special del.cvr (ruff L, in cc; lite tone). E $12 MIN.6
ST-216. 507 (x2), A (1 bit faulty), Lebanon, PA, 1922, G+ DCDS/Reg'd as origin b/s on bit lite tone reg'd cvr. E $12 MIN.6
ST-217. 518/632, F-A, Philadelphia (Sta.No.22), PA, 1935, VF DCDS as origin b/s; stamps tied by mute oval; $1 Frank.late use, but RARE in any case; on commer.reg'd cvr w/Philip H.Ward, Jr., cc. E $400
ST-218. 530 vert.bisect accepted as 1.5c postage; F; United States/Sea P.O., 1925, VF duplex/3; "Printed Matter" typed at T on cvr to U.S. E $40
ST-219. 534A w/Schermack ty.3 perfs; F-A (SE at L); Chicago, IL, 1921, F Univ. on #10 cvr trimmed at L to 4x6" cvr. E $40
ST-220. 538, A, St.Paul/Merriam Pk.Sta., MN, 1919 (Jul 5), G+ Univ.; EARLY use on PPC. E $30 MIN.15
ST-221. 540, A, Varick St.Sta., NY, 1922, VG Int'l; Add-Index Corp.cc on cvr. E $24 MIN.12
ST-222. 542, A (1 short perf), New York/Hudson Term.Sta., NY, 1920, VG Univ.; upper R crnr copy, w/selvage at T & R; RARELY seen; on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-223. 552 w/PL#15422 at T; F, (indistinct town), MI, 1924, partial duplex on PPC. E $8
ST-224. 554 w/PL17402 at B; F-A, Milwaukee, WI, 1925, F Univ. on lite tone PPC. E $12 MIN.6
ST-225. 581: single +vert.bisect accepted as 1.5c postage; A, San Francisco, CA, 1925, G+ Int'l; S.Rasori, Builder, cc on commer.cvr (small piece out T edge). E $80
ST-226. 581: vert.bisect accepted as 1/2c postage; A, Toms River, NJ, 1925, G+ Int'l on 1c PSE Sc.U420. E $50
ST-227. 599: vert.bisect, apparently accepted as 1c postage; A, Lewiston, ME, 1927, G+ Int'l; Wade & Dunton Motors/Authorized Dealers/Lincoln Ford cc on local commer.cvr. E $75
ST-228. 610 (x6: 3 pairs), A, Highland, NY, 1924, G+ duplex on special del.cvr (edge tears T & R). E $14
ST-229. 614: diag.bisect accepted as 1/2c postage; F, St.Paul/Commercial Sta., MN, 1925, G+ Univ.; "(No 1/2c stamps)" typed below on 1c PSE Sc.U420 (vert.cr). E $100
ST-230. 618, F (SE at R), Castlewood, SD, 1925, G duplex on PPC. E $6
ST-231. 632: single +att'd vert.bisect accepted as 1.5c postage; A, (Groton), VT, 1934, partial Colum. (town mostly off) on commer.cvr (edge tear T) w/faulty 1.5c Sc.633 applied & canxed at St.Johnsbury, VT, when forwarded. SCARCE USE: bisect accepted TWICE. E $100
ST-232. 658, F, Bazine, KS, 1929, G+ duplex (state not struck) 1c Kans.overprint on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
ST-233. 658, A (bit cr perfs), Marquette, KS, 1929, G+ Amer/A14; 1c "Kans." overprint solo on cvr (tip slit) w/enc. E $15 MIN.8
ST-234. 658, F-A, Burrton, KS, 1929, G duplex; 1c "Kans." overprint solo on 4.5x6.5" local cvr (lower L tip nick). E $12 MIN.6
ST-235. 658, F-A, Gallup, NM, 1930, VG Univ.; 1c "Kans." overprint on PPC. E $8
ST-236. 658, F-A, Parsons, KS, 1930, G+ Univ.; 1c "Kans." overprint on PPC (small scuff below message). E $8
ST-237. 660/E15, F-A/F, Paola, KS, 1929, G+ duplex; 2c "Kans." overprint +10c special del. on spec.del.cvr. E $20
ST-238. 660, F-A, Hutchinson, KS, 1929, VG Univ.; 2c "Kans." overprint on 2-panel "Rally Day" PPC w/interlocking tabs. E $15 MIN.8
ST-239. 660, F, Zephyrhills, FL, 1929, G+ duplex; 2c "Kans." overprint on commer.cvr. Unusual early out-of-state use. E $20
ST-240. 660, F (couple nib perfs), Culver, KS, 1929, G duplex (state not struck) on cvr. E $8
ST-241. 671, F-A, Byron, NE, 1930, VG duplex on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
ST-242. 701/825, F, Detroit, MI, 1939, VF Int'l on air cvr to Hong Kong & returned; MANY b/s, inc.Victoria, Hong Kong, F DCDS. E $75
ST-243. 712, A, Portland, OR, 1933, VG Univ. (o/s) 7c Wash.paying air rate on 1c GPC Sc.UX27 to Oakland, fwd to San Francisco, fwd to Oakland. RARE use of this stamp. E $50
ST-244. 743 (block/4 w/PL#21330 at B)/634/E15, A/F, Columbus, OH, 1935, G+ DCDS as origin b/s on reg'd/special del.3c PSE. E $20
ST-245. 815, F-A, Chicago, IL, 1950, VG Univ.; 10c Prexie solo on censored PPC to Austria. E $24 MIN.12
ST-246. 815/810 pair/807, F/A, Cleveland, OH, 1952, G+ duplex; 10c + 5c (x2) + 3c Prexies overpaying rate on PPC to India. E $20
ST-247. 826, F, Pittsburgh, PA, 1944, G+ DCDS/reg'd as origin b/s; 21c solo on #10 reg'd cvr (upper L tip slit). E $24
ST-248. 846, F, Jackson, MS, 1949, F Univ. on commer.air cvr. E $15
ST-249. 848, F, Avalon, CA, 1940, VG Int'l on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
ST-250. 905: diagonal bisect accepted as postage, w/ms "OK" & clerk's initials tying stamp tip; F; Limington, ME, 1942, VG 4-bar on 4.5x5.5" commer.cvr (tiny tears T). E $75
ST-251. 906/899, A/F, Chicago/Airmail, IL, 1943, G+ Univ.; Railway Express Agy cc; 5c China +1c Defense on air cvr (lite tone; tear R). E $30
ST-252. 1031A (x2)/1030, F, Liberal, KS, [1960], VF precanx on Xmas PC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-253. 1035/1283 pair; F, Hailua-Kona, HI, 1968, VG machine; 13c rate on PPC to AUSTRIA. E $12 MIN.6
ST-254. 1036: MISPERFED; nearly 50% shift, thru "T" of "Postage," w/GUIDE LINE between; Albany, NY, 1960, F Univ.; McClure & Dorwaldt cc on commer.cvr (upper R tip slit; vert.cr). Lot includes 2 more used singles (off cover) of same stamp w/big shifts. E $40
ST-255. 1147/1031/C34, F, Pontiac, MI, 1960, G+ Int'l; "Non admis/Nepripustne" ("Inadmissable") label, partly on 4c Masaryk; w/1c Wash.(not tied, but clearly belongs) +10c air on air cvr to Czechoslovakia w/Prague G+ DCDS as b/s, returned to sender because Champion of Liberty stamp not allowed. E $75
ST-256. 1304C pair (1 w/cr perfs)/1581 pair, F, Tampa, FL, 1981, partial machine; SCARCE 5c "clean shaven" Wash.coils on commer.PPC. E $75
ST-257. 1393D, F, Rockwood, ME, 1975 (Sep 29), G+ 4-bar (dial bit hi) on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
ST-258. 1393D, F-A, USPS, MO, 1975 (Oct 1), G+ machine on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
ST-259. 1393D, F, Three Lakes, WI, 1975 (Oct 1), VG machine on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
ST-260. 1393D, F, USPS, NM, 1975 (Oct 7), VF machine on soiled PPC (oil stains from processing equipment?). E $8
ST-261. 1393D, F, Colorado Springs, CO, 1975 (Oct 14), G+ machine on PPC. E $8
ST-262. 1393D, F, USPS, HI, 1975 (Oct 17), G+ machine on PPC. E $8
ST-263. 1393D, F, Flagstaff, AZ, 1975 (Oct 18), G+ machine (dial hi: town partly off) on PPC. E $8
ST-264. 1393D, F, Knoxville, TN, 1975 (Oct 23), G+ machine on PPC. E $8
ST-265. 1393D, F, USPS, CO, 1975 (Nov 4), VG machine on PPC. E $8
ST-266. 1393D, F, Ste.Genevieve, MO, 1975 (Nov 4), G+ 4-bar (dial hi: "ENEV" partly off) on PPC. E $8
ST-267. 1393D, F, USPS, NY, 1975 (Nov 6), F machine on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
ST-268. 1393D, F, Ellensburg, WA, 1975 (Nov 21), G+ machine on PPC. E $8
ST-269. 1393D, F, USPS, CA, 1975 (Dec 3), G+ machine on PPC. E $8
ST-270. 1393D, F, Koloa, HI, 1975 (Dec 9), VG machine on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
ST-271. 1393D, F, Mankato, MN, 1975 (Dec 12), G+ machine on PPC. E $8
ST-272. 1393D, F, USPS, CO, 1975 (Dec 17), G+ machine on PPC. E $8
ST-273. 1393D/1280, F, US Postal Service, FL, 1976, G+ machine; 7c + 2c on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
ST-274. 1393D (x2), F, Dallas, TX, 1978, G machine; overpaying 9c rate; on PPC. E $14
ST-275. 1393D pair; F, St.Petersburg, FL, 1985, F machine on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
ST-276. 1596d/1278 pair, F, Saginaw, MI, 1978, G+ machine; RARE line perf 13c eagle + pr.1c Jefferson overpaying, applying letter rate on PPC. E $50
ST-277. 1616b: Lot 3) 9c coils, dramatically MISCUT by affixing machine, 1 by nearly 50%; Livingston, NJ, ca.1976, F lines-only precanx; Newsweek ad on 2-panel PCs. E $24
ST-278. 1902, F, (New York, NY), ca.1984, F Blk.Rt.precanx; Book of the Month Club cc on 5x8" cvr. E $8
ST-279. 5311, F, NOVA 220, 2018, VF Happy Holidays sprayer: Santa over DC monuments on 5.5x7.75" cvr to England. E $6
ST-280. 5311, F, Salt Lake City, UT, 2018, VF Happy Holidays sprayer: Santa over trees(?) on 5.5x7.75" cvr to England. E $6
ST-281. C 2, F, Air Mail Service Wash-N.Y.-Phila/New York, 1918, G+ blue-green 4-bar on 1.5x2.75" PIECE ONLY. E $30 MIN.15
ST-282. C 4, F, San Francisco, CA, 1925, VG Int'l on bit cr 2c PSE. E $24
ST-283. C 4 (pair)/554; F; San Fran, S.J. & Los Ang/RPO, 1925, G+ duplex on cvr. E $40
ST-284. C 5, F (couple short perfs), San Francisco, CA, 1927, VF duplex on cvr. E $40
ST-285. C 7: vert.bisect accepted as 5c posage; F, Portland, OR, 1928, VF Univ.; Amer.Legion Week cachet on air cvr. E $60
ST-286. C11, F-A (few lite tone perfs), Los Angeles/Arcade Sta., CA, 1929, G+ duplex; large ms "Air Mail" at upper L negated by 2-bar magenta h/s; 5c beacon on cvr to England. E $15 MIN.8
ST-287. C34, F-A, Little Switzerland, NC, 1955, G 4-bar on PPC to Germany. E $12 MIN.6
ST-288. C34, F, Littleton, CO, 1956, G+ Int'l; 10c Pan Am on PPC to BELGIUM. E $12 MIN.6
ST-289. C34, F, Palmetto, FL, 1957, VG Int'l on PPC to Holland. E $14
ST-290. C34, F, Kansas City, MO, 1959, F Univ. on PPC to Germany. E $12 MIN.6
ST-291. C35/E19, A/F, Sonoma, CA, 1956, G+ Int'l; 15c Liberty air +20c special.del. on air/spec.del.cvr to Franc (vert.cr). E $20
ST-292. C35/1035 (x15), F, Fitchburg, MA, 1958, partial DCDS; 15c Liberty air +15x 3c Liberty on 4.75x6.75" air cvr to Finland. E $20
ST-293. C38, F, Moscow, Russia, 1948, VF CDS; 5c air applied over stamp on reply GPC Sc.UY12r datelined "Amer.Embassy," sent to fill addressee's request. E $15 MIN.8
ST-294. C79, F, New York, NY, 1975, VG Int'l on PPC. E $5
ST-295. CE2, F, Lincoln, NE, 1942, G+ Univ.; "Umberger's Mortuary" typed return add.; 16c air/special del.applied, covering 1c printed stamp on GPC (Sc.UX27; tip cr): "Uncle Charlie has passed away..." ODD usage. E $20
ST-296. E 6, A (1 edge w/faulty perfs), Tacoma, WA, 1908, G+ Int'l; 10c special del.w/2c Sc.319 on PPC to Portland, OR: "Meet me at the Perkins Hotel (tomorrow)..." but addressee "Not at #2" & "Out of Town". E $30 MIN.15
ST-297. E 7, F, used (stamp ONLY. NOT on cvr). E $40 MIN.20
ST-298. E 7, F; stamp only, w/partial Chi & N.Clark St.RPO canx. E $50
ST-299. E11 w/spotty PL#6043 at B; DiAGONAL BISECT ACCEPTED AS POSTAGE; F, Elka Park, NY, 1917, F 4-bar on cvr. E $75
ST-300. E15/632, F, Madison, WI, 1936, G+ duplex on special del.PPC. E $30
ST-301. E15/804, F/A, St.Louis, MO, 1942, G duplex; St.Louis Car Co.cc on special del.message PC (reply PC detached). E $30
ST-302. F1, A (SE at T), Attica, NY, 1913, G duplex as origin b/s; w/faulty 4c Wash. on reg'd cvr (toned). E $15 MIN.8
ST-303. J39 (x3), F (1 w/small piece out), tied by pencil canx; Oban, Great Britain, 1904, VG DCDS origin; "Collect/Postage/6 Cents" h/s on lite tone PPC (R tip nick). E $12 MIN.6
ST-304. J39 (x2), A, tied by Boston, MA, mute ovals; Londonderry, Great Britain, 1909, partial DCDS; "Due 2 Cents" h/s; message in code (or shorthand?) on lite tone PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-305. J39, A, w/partial oval precanx; Nuremburg, Germany, 1910, G+ repeater tying 5pf; New York/Hud.Term.Sta., NY, Due 2 Cents opera glass h/s on lite tone PPC. E $12 MIN.6
ST-306. J46, F, above message; Tulla, Ireland, 1911, G CDS tying 2c Wash.attempted as postage on PPC w/New York, NY/Hud.Term.Sta./Due 2 Cents G+ Int'l opera glass at lower L (tip cr; edge tear T). E $15 MIN.8
ST-307. J52, F-A, w/Springfield, OH, mute oval & very weak horiz.precanx; Chillicothe, OH, 1916, G+ Amer/B14 tying 1c Wash.origin; add'l 1c required for message partly into address area; on bit lite tone PPC. E $30 MIN.15
ST-308. J61, A (SE), Indianapolis, IN, precanx; Beecher City, IL, 1932, G+ duplex origin; "Postage Due (1) Cents" h/s on 2c PSE. E $8
ST-309. J61 pair & single; F/A, Indianapolis precanx; Elwood, IN, 1932, F Univ. origin; "Postage Due (3) Cents" h/s; strip of 3x 2c Wash. on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
ST-310. J61b, F, Kansas City, MO, precanx; Cameron, MO, ca.1926, G+ Amer/14 origin; 1c Frank.coil on PPC. E $8
ST-311. J62, F, Oakland, CA, VG precanx; Ayr, Great Britain, 1924, G+ repeater origin; New York, NY/Due 2 Cents G+ opera glass h/s on toned PPC. E $8
ST-312. J65b/J62, A-F (2c partly off T edge), tied by St.Louis, MO, mute ovals; Florence, Italy, 1921, VG DCDS origin; VF circled "Due 12 Cents"; 40c Italy on pix side (unnoticed?) on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-313. J71/J70, F, Indianapolis precanx; Madison, IN, 1933, VF Int'l origin; "Postage due 3 cents" h/s on cvr. E $8
ST-314. J82 (strip/3; 1 bit cr)/J80, A, canxed LeRoy, NY, G dateless roller as recd; Castries, St.Lucia, 1935, VG+ CDS origin; New York, NY/Due 10 Cents G+ opera glass h/s (o/s) on cvr (trim R). E $15 MIN.8
ST-315. J83/J82, A (both faulty), tied by Carrollton, IL, mute box; Bracebridge, ON, Canada, 1959, G+ machine origin; dues mostly covering 3c Liberty attempted as postage on bit scuff PPC. E $12 MIN.6
ST-316. J91, F, tied by ms "X" at Hot Springs, AR; Honolulu, HI, 1962, G+ machine; "Postage due (2) cent" h/s; 4c +1c origin postage on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
ST-317. J91, F, tied by mute roller; Nendeln(?), Liechtenstein, 1969, partial DCDS origin; "Postage Due (3)c" h/s & circled "T" h/s on PPC to Topeka, KS. E $12 MIN.6
ST-318. J91, F, tied by mute oval at Rock Island, IL; Geneva, Switzerland, 1970, G machine "Postage Due (.03) c" h/s on PPC (tip crs; toned). E $14
ST-319. J92, F, tied by marker at Brattleboro, VT; Kirkwall, Great Britain, ca.1960, partial DCDS origin; "Postage Due (4) Cents" h/s (partly covered) on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
ST-320. J93 (x2), F; 1 tied by Osawatomie, KS, F mute box; 1 tied by "Voided" h/s; Chicago, IL, 1964, F Univ.; "Postage Due 5 Cents" h/s on window cvr. E $15 MIN.8
ST-321. J94, F-A, tied by straight-line dater; Carlinville, IL, 1970, G+ machine; Carlinville Clinic cc on cvr (R edge water tone; ruff R) mailed w/o stamp. E $14
ST-322. J95, A, tied w/mute ovals at Winston-Salem, NC; Middlesex-Essex, MA, 1983, VG machine; "Postage Due" h/s; 13c puppy on cvr (bit trim T; tip cr). E $14
ST-323. J96/J89, F, Crete, IL, DCDS; Athens, Greece, 1963, G CDS origin; "Postage Due (9) Cents" h/s; 50L + 2.50L + faulty 3L Greece on 5x6" cvr. E $15
ST-324. J96 w/PL#29229 at R; F, tied by mute ovals at Dubuque, IA; Janesville, WI, 1972, G+ machine origin; boxed "Postage Due 8c" h/s on bit cr 8c PSE. E $12 MIN.6
ST-325. J97, F, precanxed w/mute oval; Edinburgh, Scotland, 1965, G+ slogan machine origin; "Postage Due (10) Cents" h/s on PPC (crs) to Kirkwood, MO. E $8
ST-326. K1, A, U.S.Pos.Service, Shanghai, China, 1922, G+ duplex; 2c-on-1c Shanghai overprint Sc.K1 on PPC. Also listed in "Territories" section. E $130 MIN.65
ST-327. OX14 (x2); A (both faulty); wrapped around T edge; New York/Hamilton Grange Sta., NY, 1912, G+ Int'l origin (upper R crnr & origin stamp torn away; edge faults) on cvr to Russia & returned; 3.5x4.5" Russian postal form adhered to back, w/MANY ms initials. E $30
ST-328. OX21, F (margin tear), wrapped around T edge; clerk's initials canx; Tulsa, OK, 1935, G Int'l origin (o/s) on cvr (flap faults) w/enc. E $12 MIN.6
ST-329. OX27, F (WIDE margins at T & B; SE at B), Enid, OK, 1936, F Univ.; "Damaged by Cancelling Machine" h/s; seal repairing damage below return add.(not tied, but clearly belongs) on PSE. E $50
ST-330. PS4 (x9), F, applied to U.S.Postal Savings Card w/PS5 printed stamp; Zion City, IL, 1916, G mute roller on stamps; Postal Savings System/Zion City "arrow" h/s on back. Properly used & redeemed. E $120
ST-331. Q1, A, Ormsby, MN, 1913, G duplex on PPC. E $6
ST-332. Q1, A (couple nib perfs), Alton, KS, 1913, G duplex on PPC. E $8
ST-333. Q1, A, Milwaukee/Sta.C, WI, 1913, VG+ Time-Cmns on uneven toned PPC. E $5
ST-334. Q1 (x2), F (1 w/SE at L; couple blunt perfs); Pekin, IL, 1913, F duplex on PPC mailed w/1 stamp, then "Returned for Postage" for felt pennant applique on pix side. E $15 MIN.8
ST-335. Q1, F (1 SE), Russell, KS, 1913, G duplex on PPC. E $8
ST-336. Q1, F-A (2 SE's), Akron, OH, 1913, G Int'l on PPC. E $6
ST-337. Q1, F, Cincinnati, OH, 1913, F Int'l on PPC (lite tone; tip crs). E $8
ST-338. Q1, F-A (1 SE), Indianapolis, IN, 1913, F Int'l on PPC. E $6
ST-339. Q1, F, Gladstone, OR, 1913, G+ 4-bar on PPC. E $8
ST-340. Q1, F-A (SE at B), Des Moines, IA, 1913, VG Univ. on PPC. E $5
ST-341. Q1, F, Girard, PA, 1913, G duplex on PPC. E $8
ST-342. Q1, F (1 SE), Montpelier, VT, 1913, G+ duplex on cr PPC. E $8
ST-343. Q1, F, Girard, PA, 1913, G duplex on PPC. E $8
ST-344. Q1, F,Salinas, CA, 1913, VG Colum. on PPC. E $6
ST-345. Q1, F-A, Geneva, NY, 1913, F Colum. on PPC (edge tear R; bit cr). E $5
ST-346. Q1, F, Paterson, NJ, 1913, F Colum. on PPC. E $8
ST-347. Q1, A, York, NE, 1913, G+ Colum.; 1c Parcel Post on PPC (crnr crs; part lite tone). E $6
ST-348. Q1, F-A, New York/College Sta., NY, 1913, F Univ. on PPC. E $6
ST-349. Q1, F (1 SE), Altoona, PA, 1913, G+ Univ. on bit cr PPC. E $8
ST-350. Q1, F-A, Chicago, IL, 1914, G+ Univ. on PPC (crnr cr). E $6
ST-351. Q1, F (SE at L), Zurich, KS, 1914, G duplex on toned PPC. E $5
ST-352. Q1, F, Los Angeles, CA, 1915, F PPIE slogan on toned PPC. E $8
ST-353. Q1, A, Rockford, IL, 1916, G+ Univ. on lite tone PPC. E $8
ST-354. Q1, F, Pequea, PA, 1916 (Dec 25), G+ 4-bar on bit cr PPC. E $8
ST-355. Q2, F-A (SE at T), Palatka, FL, 1913, VG Amer/A14; 2c Parcel Post on PPC. E $6
ST-356. Q2, F, Elgin, IL, 1913, VG Univ. on cvr (edge tear T) w/enc. E $12 MIN.6
ST-357. Q2, A, Rockford, IL, 1914, VG Univ.; 2c Parcel Post on PPC. E $6
ST-358. Q3 (strip/4: all w/1 SE, 2 w/margin nicks)/398; F, Boulevard, MA, 1914, G DCDS/Reg'd as origin b/s; Boston/Boulv/Mass G+ mute ovals on stamps; 4x 3c Parcel Post +2c Pan-Pac on reg'd cvr. E $30 MIN.15
ST-359. Q4, F, Franklin, PA, 1917 (Mar 5), VG duplex; Pres.Wilson 2nd INAUGURATION DATE; 4c Parcel Post on cvr. Also listed in "Political" section. E $65 MIN.34
ST-360. Q6/397 pair; F-A, w/cork killers (not tied but clearly belong); Austin, MN, 1913, VG DCDS/Reg'd as origin b/s on 2.75x6.5" reg'd cvr (bit trim R). E $70
ST-361. R5, F-A; Bank Check revenue tied by ms "X" on back of 2.5x4" photo (man & woman) by Cadwallader & Tappen's Gallery of Art, Marietta, OH, ca.1870s? E $12 MIN.6
ST-362. R5, F-A; Bank Check revenue tied by ms #'s on back of 2.5x4" photo (girl in formal dress) by Cadwallader & Tappen's Gallery of Art, Marietta, OH, ca.1870s? E $12 MIN.6
ST-363. R15, A; U.S.Inter.Rev.; ms "X" canx on back of 2.5x4" photo: young BLACK woman holding 3 mo.-old baby (his name written below; crnrs clip) by Cadwallader & Tappen's Gallery of Art, Marietta, OH, ca.1870s? E $30
ST-364. R155A/267, A-F, Bangor, ME, 1898, G+ Barry; "I.R." overprint (maybe paying 2nd ounce, maybe unneeded application) on local cvr (upper L edge slit). E $15 MIN.8
ST-365. RB65 (x2), F (few blunt perfs); Fairmont & Rich/RPO, 1921, G duplex; Proprietary revenue stamps successfully used as postage on commer.cvr. E $40
ST-366. RW15: mint, never hinged; WIDE selvage w/PL#160101 at B; F-A. E $75
ST-367. U27, Boston, MA, ca.1860, G CDS/grid on PSE. E $24
ST-368. U74, Wilmington, DE, 1870s, G+ CDS/cork; E.Bringhurst & Co.cc on 1c PSE. E $30 MIN.15
ST-369. U222, Watertown, WI, [1888], VG CDS/cork; W.C.Kurzweg return add.label on PSE to Germany. E $12 MIN.6
ST-370. U330, Chicago/F, IL, 1891, G+ duplex (bit lite tone) on PSE to Germany. E $12 MIN.6
ST-371. U331, New York/P, NY, 1900, G+ duplex on PSE to Germany. E $12 MIN.6
ST-372. U350, Pittsburgh, PA, [1894], G duplex on 5c Colum.PSE to Germany. E $12 MIN.6
ST-373. U351 (heavy cr; tear T; tips cr; flap partly off), Chi & Went Ave/RPO, 1905, F CH-7-b5 on 10c Colum.#10 PSE. E $30
ST-374. U377, Everett, WA, 1902, G+ duplex (sender's last name erased in return add.) on PSE to Germany. E $12 MIN.6
ST-375. U377, New York/St.P, NY, 1902, VG Int'l; Goldman, Sachs & Co.cc; "Kaiserin Maria Theresia" h/s instruction at B on PSE to Belgium. E $15 MIN.8
ST-376. U393, New York, NY, 1904, G+ duplex; "Campania." h/s instruction at L; Schulz & Ruckgaber cc on PSE. E $16
ST-377. U393, New York, NY, 1905, VG Int'l w/5c Sc.304 on 5c PSE (slit 2.5 sides) to England. E $15 MIN.8
ST-378. U393, Wall Street Sta., NY, 1906, F Int'l; Brown Bros. & Co.cc on PSE to Austria. E $20
ST-379. U400 stamp cutout attempted as postage; F, San Jose, CA, 1914, G SF15-24A PPIE slogan flag, mostly covered by 1c Balboa applied at L; tied by F duplex later on same day; on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
ST-380. U429 (ILLEGAL cutout used as postage), Morgantown, IN, 1924, VF duplex on cvr (ruff R). E $12 MIN.6
ST-381. U438a; unused; Southwestern Bell Telephone Co., Oklahoma City, OK, cc. E $24
ST-382. U510, Hartford, CT, 1920s, G+ Univ. w/dateless dial; 1.5c overprint, angled 2°, on 1c PSE. E $12 MIN.6
ST-383. U521 (bit ruff L), Washington, DC, 1925, G+ Int'l; w/1/2c (Sc.551) on commer.PSE. E $6
ST-384. U521 (lower L crnr nib), Normal, IL, 1927, G+ Int'l; w/1/2c (Sc.551) on commer.PSE. E $6
ST-385. U530 (slight trim L), Brimfield, IN, 1938, F 4-bar on PSE. E $8
ST-386. U531 (slight trim L), Brimfield, IN, 1939, F 4-bar on PSE. E $10
ST-387. U538a (tone speck by address), Cincinnati, OH, 1958, G+ machine; 2c surcharge on 2c PSE. E $40 MIN.20
ST-388. UX6, Cedar Rapids, IA, 1890, VF duplex; Paid/Liverpol/U.S.Packet/1-A G+ red CDS as transit on GPC to England. E $24 MIN.12
ST-389. UX6, Chicago, IL, 1893, VG Int'l on GPC to Germany. E $20
ST-390. UX6, Appleton, WI, 1896, G duplex (crnr cr; lite tone) on GPC to Switzerland. E $14
ST-391. UX6, Chicago, Mil Ave RPO/Ill, 1901, G+ CH-6-e2 Tr6 on 2c GPC for international use, but paying PROPER DOMESTIC rate, due to small classified newspaper ad adhered to back. RARE use. E $80
ST-392. UX8; unused w/preprinted address. E $10 MIN.5
ST-393. UX13, Newark, NJ, 1897, G+ Barry (tiny pinholes in R margin) on GPC to Germany. E $60
ST-394. UX16, Philadelphia/GPO Anx, PA, 1925, G+ Int'l (part lite tone) on GPC to England. E $15 MIN.8
ST-395. UX18 (toned; crnr crs) w/1c Sc.300 applied; Philadelphia/Sta.C, PA, 1906, VF Amer/B38 on GPC to Germany. E $6
ST-396. UX27 (crs), w/3c Prexie (Sc.807)/1c Prexie coil (Sc.839)/3x 2c Wash. (Sc.634) applied to pay 10c special del.fee; Louisville, KY, 1942, partial duplex (add. & message bit smear) on GPC. SCARCE combo & use. E $30
ST-397. UX39a, Roachdale, IN, 1953, VG Int'l on GPC. E $10
ST-398. UX61, USPS, NY, 1973, G+ machine (tip crs) on commer.GPC. E $8
ST-399. UX62, USPS, KS, 1973, VG machine (tip cr) on commer.GPC. E $8
ST-400. UX120 overprinted by USPS w/pictorial golfer at L & message on back; (Myrtle Beach, SC), [1989], no origin canx, as usual, but "Returned to Sender" pointing hand by stamp on GPC promoting post-Hurricane Hugo tourism. E $8
ST-401. UX143, Portland, OR, 1991, G+ machine on commer.GPC. E $6
ST-402. UX297, Denver, CO, 1999, VG machine on commer.GPC. E $5
ST-403. UX307, Denver, CO, 2000, G+ machine on commer.GPC. E $5
ST-404. UX384, Portland, OR, 2003, G+ machine on commer.GPC. E $5
ST-405. UX385, Portland, OR, 2003, G+ machine on commer.GPC. E $5
ST-406. UX448a, mint booklet of 20 "Let's Dance" GPCs in original plastic wrapper. E $20 MIN.10
ST-407. UXC 1, North Little Rock, AR, 1954, G+ Univ. on commer.GPC. E $5
ST-408. UXC19, Miles City, MT, 1981, G machine on commer.GPC to Pittsford, NY; overpaying domestic rate. E $12 MIN.6
ST-409. UXC19, Rochester, NY, 1982, VG purple slogan machine on commer.GPC to England. E $24 MIN.12
ST-410. UY 2, Chi.Ill.Cott.Gro.Av./RPO, 1908, partial CH-3-e Tr4 on reply GPC to Netherlands, w/att'd/unmailed message GPC. E $20
ST-411. UY 2r, Leipzig, Germany, 1908, F DCDS on Int'l reply GPC, properly used. E $15 MIN.8
ST-412. UY12, mint. E $12 MIN.6
ST-413. UY12: mint. E $12 MIN.6

TR-1. Yap, Caroline Islands, 1977, G+ magenta DCDS on commer.PPC. E $15 MIN.8
TR-2. Shanghai/U.S.Postal Ser, China, 1909, G+ duplex (R arc spotty) on Yokohama PPC datelined "On the way to Shanghai". E $20
TR-3. U.S.Postal Agency/Shanhai, China, 1917, G+ duplex (upper R tip nick) pair 1c Balboa Sc.401 on cvr to U.S. E $30 MIN.15
TR-4. U.S.Pos.Service, Shanghai, China, 1922, G+ duplex; 2c-on-1c Shanghai overprint Sc.K1 on PPC. Also listed in "Stamps on Cover" section. E $130 MIN.65
TR-5. U.S.Pos.Service/Shanghai, China, 1920s, G+ duplex (scuffs from album mounting, affect part of date & bit of stamp) on Tokyo PPC. E $8
TR-6. Ancon, CZ, 1913, G+ duplex; 1c overprint Sc.31 on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
TR-7. Ancon, CZ, 1917, VF duplex; 1c overprint Sc.38 on PPC (Native Town, Panama). E $12 MIN.6
TR-8. Balboa, CZ, 1917, VG+ duplex; 2c overprint Sc.39 on PPC (El Carnival de Panama, Corps of Juvenile Firemen). E $12 MIN.6
TR-9. Balboa, CZ, 1920, F+ duplex; 2c overprint Sc.56 on PPC to Scotland. E $15 MIN.8
TR-10. Balboa, CZ, 1927, VG duplex (killer off edge; crs) as recd & fwd on PPC from France. E $15 MIN.8
TR-11. Balboa, CZ, 1929, VG+ Univ.; 1c overprint Sc.100 on S.S.Mongolia REAL PHOTO PPC. E $15 MIN.8
TR-12. Balboa, CZ, 1943, VG Univ.; paper censor tape L) 15c air on cvr. E $8
TR-13. Balboa, CZ, 1943, VG Univ. (censor tape toned L edge) 15c air on cvr. E $8
TR-14. Balboa, CZ, 1943, VG Univ. (trim R; censor tape toned L edge) 15c air on cvr. E $6
TR-15. Balboa Heights, CZ, 1926, G+ Univ. (T arc partial; upper R tip ruff; lite tone) Official Business/Postmaster cc; 2c Sesquicent'l commem.overprint (Sc.96) on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
TR-16. Balboa Heights, CZ, 1939 (Jul 15), F Univ.w/"First Day of Issue" slogan; $1 air Sc.C20 on FDC. E $40 MIN.20
TR-17. Balboa/Paquebot, CZ, 1947, VG CDS; Lund ty.7; 6c Prexie on air cvr w/S.S.Hannibal Hamlin return add.on flap. E $20 MIN.10
TR-18. Bas Obispo, CZ, ca.1913, G+ duplex (dial bit hi; year partial) 1c overprint (Sc.38) on PPC datelined Camp Elliott. E $15 MIN.8
TR-19. Cristobal, CZ, 1910, partial duplex; 1c overprint Sc.31 on PPC. E $8
TR-20. Cristobal, CZ, 1911, G+ duplex (part on stamp) 1c overprint Sc.31; "Colon Hospital" dateline on hospital PPC. E $12 MIN.6
TR-21. Cristobal, CZ, 1911, G+ duplex; 1c overprint Sc.31 on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
TR-22. Cristobal, CZ, 1914, VF Time-Cmns (lower R tip repair) 1c overprint Sc.38 on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
TR-23. Cristobal, CZ, 1914, F Time-Cmns; 1c overprint Sc.38 on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
TR-24. Cristobal, CZ, 1914, F+ Time-Cmns on overprinted GPC (Sc.UX4) to Balboa Heights. E $60 MIN.30
TR-25. Cristobal, CZ, 1918, VG duplex (bit stutter) 1c overprint Sc.38 on PPC (Street w/YMCA Bldg). E $15 MIN.8
TR-26. Cristobal, CZ, 1920, G+ duplex; 2c overprint Sc.53 on PPC to England. E $15 MIN.8
TR-27. Cristobal, CZ, 1921, G+ duplex (part on stamp) 1c overprint Sc.52 on PPC (Army & Navy YMCA). E $15 MIN.8
TR-28. Cristobal, CZ, 1929, VG+ Univ. (toned) 2c on PPC. E $5
TR-29. Cristobal, CZ, ca.1932, G+ duplex; 2c overprint Sc.101 on PPC to Germany w/partial due marking. E $12 MIN.6
TR-30. Cristobal, CZ, 1940, G+ Univ.w/map & slogan (tear T; flap mostly off) ms "Air Mail" lined thru; BOLD "Ship's Mail" h/s below; 3c Sc.122 (2 short perfs) +pair 1c Sc.105 on cvr to Scotland. E $15 MIN.8
TR-31. Cristobal, CZ, 1952, F Univ.slogan w/pictorial map; 4c air Sc.C6 on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
TR-32. Cristobal, CZ, 1970, G+ Univ."US Mission Safety" slogan; 6c air +2c on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
TR-33. Cristobal/Paquebot, CZ, 1924, G+ duplex/2 (Lund ty.2) 1c Wash. on Cuba PPC to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
TR-34. Cristobal/Paquebot, CZ, 1934, G+ duplex/2 (Lund ty.4) 3c Wash.Canal Zone (Sc.115) +4c Wash.(Sc.709) +pair 8c globe air (Sc.C17) on cvr w/USS Holland return add.on flap. E $20
TR-35. Empire, CZ, 1911, G duplex (mostly on stamp) bit faulty 1c overprint Sc.31 on PPC: "We visited the villiage of Cruses (sic)... & tried to take some pictures & the natives were very angry at us". E $15 MIN.8
TR-36. Fort Randolph, CZ, 1942, G+ duplex on censored free-franked cvr. E $12 MIN.6
TR-37. Gamboa, CZ, 1929, G+ duplex (bit cr; trim R) 1st flight cachet at L; 25c-on-2c air Sc.C3 on 2c PSE Sc.UC2a. E $160
TR-38. Gatun, CZ, 1934, G+ duplex (prt ruff slit upper R) on 3c-on-2c PSE (Sc.U13). E $12 MIN.6
TR-39. La Boca, CZ, 1908, G+ duplex; 1c overprint Sc.22 on PPC (Machine Shops at Empire; o/s by recd canx). E $12 MIN.6
TR-40. Las Cascadas, CZ, 1913, G+ duplex (R arc on stamp) 1c overprint Sc.31 on PPC (YMCA). E $15 MIN.8
TR-41. Las Cascadas, CZ, 1915, G+ duplex (part on stamp) 1c overprint Sc.42 on PPC ("Santa Clara" of the W.R.Grace Line; 1st ocean going boat thru Canal). E $24 MIN.12
TR-42. Margarita, CZ, 1950, VF duplex (tip crs) pair 2c on air PPC. E $15 MIN.8
TR-43. Paraiso, CZ, 1908, G+ duplex; 1c overprint Sc.22 on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
TR-44. Paraiso, CZ, 1908, partial duplex; 1c overprint Sc.22 on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
TR-45. Paquebot/(N.Y.2d Div.) tying CZ 1c overprint Sc.9, [1905], VF undated straight-line Lund ty.2 on PPC to U.S. E $30
TR-46. U.S.Frigate/Constitution (CZ), 1933, F 3-bar w/"Balboa/Canal Zone" in bars; 3c overprint Sc.102 on cacheted cvr. E $15 MIN.8
TR-47. Guam, Guam, 1930, G+ duplex (2 pinholes) 1c Frank (tip peeled) on REAL PHOTO PPC (4 children on ox). E $20
TR-48. Guam, Guam, 1939, G+ duplex (date lite) Government House typed cc on commer.cvr. E $12 MIN.6
TR-49. Rota, Commonwealth Mariana, 1980, G+ 4-bar (near F) on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
TR-50. Rota, Commonwealth Mariana, 1980, G+ 4-bar (near F) on PPC w/misdated message (Sep 31). E $12 MIN.6
TR-51. Saipan, Commonwealth Mariana, 1980, G+ machine on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
TR-52. Saipan, Mariana Islands, 1951, G+ 4-bar; 16c air/special del.(Sc.CE2) on cvr to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
TR-53. Majuro, Marshal Islands, 1952, G+ 4-bar (year partial; o/w VF) 16c air/special del.(Sc.CE2) on cvr to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
TR-54. Manila, PI, 1904, F+ duplex (tip crs) 2c overprint (Sc.214) on Hawaii priv.mailing card (Rainbow Falls, publ.by Island Curio Co.). E $24
TR-55. Manila, PI, 1905, G+ duplex (o/s; RUFF T; AS IS for that; crs) bit faulty 2c overprint Sc.227 on cvr w/8-pg.enc. E $8
TR-56. Manila, PI, 1905, G duplex w/"5" as year ("ILA" mostly not struck; tip crs) 1c overprint Sc.226 on PPC to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
TR-57. Registry Section/Manila Post-Office, PI, 1928, G+ TCDS as origin b/s (ink spot lower L) Tan Coco & Co., Dagupan, cc; 16c +pair 4c on reg'd cvr to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
TR-58. Aguadilla, PR, 1931, VF Univ. tying 2c Pulaski on pix side of PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
TR-59. Arroyo, PR, 1931, F duplex on commer.GPC (Sc.UX27). E $15 MIN.8
TR-60. Caguas, PR, 1907, F duplex (dial bit hi; no flap; edge tear T; pinholes) on cvr w/San Juan VF Amer/H14 (o/s) as transit b/s. E $20
TR-61. Central Aguirre, PR, 1908, G+ duplex (00-47) on PPC. E $20
TR-62. Central Aguirre, PR, 1909, G+ duplex (upper R arc spotty) (00-47) on PPC w/Guayama, PR, G+ CDS/Rec'd as transit at L. E $15 MIN.8
TR-63. Colomo, PR, 1934, G+ 4-bar ("MO" on stamp; lite gum tone) 10c map air on commer.cvr. E $15 MIN.8
TR-64. Dorado/Dorado Beach Br., PR, 1970, G+ 4-bar; 8c air on hotel PPC. E $12 MIN.6
TR-65. Guayama, PR, 1908, G+ duplex (upper R on stamp) on PPC (natives & hut). E $20
TR-66. Guayama, PR, 1909, G+ duplex (R arc on stamp) on PPC (Comerio Road). E $20
TR-67. Guayama, PR, 1912, F+ duplex (B arc struck on add.; tear T to rim) on cvr. E $20
TR-68. Guayama, PR, 1914, VF duplex; 2c Pan-Pac on cvr to Canada. E $20
TR-69. Manati, PR, 1934, F Amer/A14 flag (upper R tip slit; bit lite tone) on commer.cvr to San Juan. E $15 MIN.8
TR-70. Manati, PR, 1936, F Amer/A14 flag on gaudy homemade (wallpaper?) cvr. E $12 MIN.6
TR-71. Mayaguez, PR, 1922, VF duplex (lite tone) Francisco Romeu Electrical & Mechanical Expert Operator cc on cvr. E $15
TR-72. Mayaguez, PR, 1944, G Int'l (dial much obscured on stamp; bit ruff R) U.S.District Court of Puerto Rico/Wm.Falbe, U.S.Commissioner cc; 10c transport air on penalty cvr. E $15 MIN.8
TR-73. Mayaguez/Marina Sta., PR, 1937, VG duplex; 4c Taft on 6c air PSE to U.S. E $24
TR-74. Ponce, PR, 1906, F Amer/H14(1) flag (ruff R) on cvr w/San Juan G+ Doremus ty.10 as recd b/s. E $30
TR-75. Ponce, PR, 1906, G+ Amer/H14(1) flag (dial much o/s by recd canx) on PPC w/San Juan VG+ CDS/Transit at lower L. E $20 MIN.10
TR-76. Ponce, PR, 1906, G+ Amer/H14(1) (lite tone) o/s by San Juan G+ Doremus ty.D as transit on PPC. E $30
TR-77. Ponce, PR, 1945, F Univ.; 10c transport air on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
TR-78. Ponce/Playa Sta., PR, 1914, VF duplex & Ponce, PR, VF duplex; Fritze Lundt & Co.cc; 5c Pan-Pac (Sc.399) on 5c PSE to Sweden. E $40
TR-79. Rio Piedras, PR, 1939, F Univ.; School of Tropical Medicine & University Hospital of the Univ.of Puerto Rico cc; 10c map air on cvr to Office of Admissions, Univ.of Chicago (add.penciled thru when forwarded internally). E $15 MIN.8
TR-80. San Juan, PR, 1907, G+ Amer/H14(1) (o/s) as recd on PPC to Presbyterian Hospital. E $15 MIN.8
TR-81. San Juan, PR, 1907, VF Amer/H4(1) flag (trim L) on cvr to local add. E $20 MIN.10
TR-82. San Juan, PR, 1913, VF Int'l; 1c Balboa on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
TR-83. San Juan, PR, 1917, F Int'l; miscut booklet pair 1c Wash. on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
TR-84. San Juan, PR, 1935, VG+ Univ. w/bilingual Air Mail Saves Time slogan (lite tone; crnr crs) Armour Fertilizer Works on #10 cvr, from/to San Juan. E $14
TR-85. San Juan, PR, 1936, VG Univ.; engraved "KN" in diamond & P.O.Box 3683 return add.on flap on local cvr. E $12 MIN.6
TR-86. San Juan, PR, 1980, G+ machine on commer.15c Olympics PSE Sc.U596. E $12 MIN.6
TR-87. Vega Baja, PR, 1907, VF duplex on cvr w/San Juan F Amer/H4(1) flag as transit b/s. E $20 MIN.10
TR-88. U.S.Navy; USNAS San Juan, PR return add., 1942, G+ duplex; 6c transport air on cvr. E $12 MIN.6
TR-89. Pago Pago, Samoa, 1931, VG DCDS; R.E.Jennings signature & "Swains Island" h/s cc; 2c Pulaski on unsealed commer.cvr to Supt.of Education, Pago Pago. E $80
TR-90. Pago Pago, Samoa, 1931, G+ Amer/A14 (lite gum tone) on cvr. E $24
TR-91. Pago Pago, Samoa, 1935, G+ Amer/A14dd on GPC (no message; extraneous h/s on back). E $24
TR-92. Pago Pago, Samoa, 1935, F Amer/A14dd; 2c Grand Canyon +3c Penn on cvr. E $30
TR-93. Pago Pago, Samoa, 1949, VG Colum. G1W; Navy 129, FPO, San Fran, return add.; 6c Prexie on air REAL PHOTO PPC ("Typical Village in Samoa"). E $15 MIN.8
TR-94. Tau, Samoa, 1909, G+ Doane 3/1 (LKU; dial hi: most of "A" & tips of "T" & "U") on PPC (Pago Pago Siva Performers). E $40
TR-95. Christiansted/Saint Croix, VI, 1920, G+ duplex/2 ("CHRI" partial) 1c Wash. on PPC to U.S. E $24 MIN.12
TR-96. Christiansted, VI, 1949, VF Int'l; 10c Pan-Am Bldg air (Sc.C34) on cvr to Pan Am Airways, St.Johns, ANTIGUA. E $15 MIN.8
TR-97. Frederiksted, VI, 1943, F duplex; Navy 116, FPO, NYC, return add. on censored air PPC. E $20
TR-98. Saint Thomas, VI, 1924, G+ Amer A14 (lite tone) on PPC. E $20

WW-1. Algiers, Algeria, 1936, G+ CDS (part lite tone) 75c + 15c on PPC to U.S. E $6
WW-2. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1936, G+ CDS; 30c + 5c on PPC to U.S. w/"Por Avion/Air France" red & blue logo printed at upper L, SCRIBBLED THRU in red pencil to NEGATE Air Mail instruction. E $14
WW-3. Innsbruck, Austria, ca.1931, G+ purple repeater (year partial; lite tone) 45k on PPC to U.S. E $8
WW-4. Innsbruck, Austria, 1932, VF DCDS; 8+2g +20+5g semi-postals (Sc.B72/74) +2g on pix side of REAL PHOTO PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-5. Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria, 1909, G+ DCDS; 5h Franz Josef, w/private 2h coat of arms label at L ("Bund der Deutschen in Nied.Osterr.") tied by hotel double oval; on PPC. E $20
WW-6. Salzburg-Bahnhof, Austria, 1899, VG CDS (lite tone; crs) on PPC to U.S. E $8
WW-7. Constantinople Oesterr.Post (Austria: Offices in Crete), 1907, G+ DCDS (dial hi: tips of "PLE" off) bit fauty 10c-on-10h (Sc.9) on PPC to BULGARIA. E $15 MIN.8
WW-8. Constantinopel/Oesterreichische Post (Austria: Offices in Turkey), 1902, G+ CDS (tear L; tip cr) 20pa-on-10h (Sc.33) on PPC to Germany. E $24 MIN.12
WW-9. Jerusalem (Austria: Offices in Turkey), ca.1908, partial DCDS (ruff T; no flap; crs) Hughes Hotel cc; 1pi (Sc.49) solo on 5x6" cvr to England. Part of back flap below add.on front, so maybe used as wrapper. E $12 MIN.6
WW-10. Ponta Delgada, Azores, 1908, G DCDS; (tip cr) 20r (Sc.104) on PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-11. Air Mail/GPO Barbados, 1973, G DCDS; 3x 5c pottery (1 wrapped around B edge) on PPC to U.S. E $6
WW-12. Barbados, 1959, G slogan machine; 2x 5c police on PPC to U.S. E $8
WW-13. San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize, 1989, G blue CDS; 5c jaguar mostly overlapping 25c fish on PPC to U.S. E $5
WW-14. Flatts, Bermuda, 1929, G+ CDS (R arc & much of date on stamp) 2/5p ship on PPC (Par-la-Ville) to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-15. Hamilton, Bermuda, 1910, G DCDS (1 stamp gone, from upper R crnr) pair 1/4p (Sc.31) on PPC to U.S. E $6
WW-16. Hamilton, Bermuda, 1925, F repeater; 1p +1/2p ship on PPC (Oleander Dr.) to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-17. Hamilton, Bermuda, 1935, G+ "Come to Bermuda" slogan machine; 1.5p Silver Jubilee (Sc.101) on PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-18. Hamilton, Bermuda, 1935, G+ slogan machine; 1.5p Jubilee on REAL PHOTO PPC (Cathedral/Parliament; offset canx ink) to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-19. Hamilton, Bermuda, 1941, G+ CDS/oval tying U.S. 3c For Defense, attempted as postage; "T/Bermuda/Centimes (40)" h/s w/ms rate; "Due/5/Cents" h/s on PPC to U.S. E $20
WW-20. Hamilton, Bermuda, 1952, G+ aquarium pictorial slogan machine (bit cr) 3p lighthouse on PPC (Old Sentinel) to U.S. E $8
WW-21. Hamilton, Bermuda, 1953, G+ aquarium pictorial slogan machine; 3p lighthouse on PPC (Somerset Bridge) to U.S. E $8
WW-22. Hamilton, Bermuda, 1955, F slogan machine; 2p sailboat on PPC (Elbow Beach Surf Club) to U.S. E $8
WW-23. Saint George's, Bermuda, 1991, G+ slogan machine; 55c-on-50c Mark Antonie on PPC to U.S. E $8
WW-24. Saint Georges, Bermuda, 1937, G+ slogan machine; 1.5p shore on PPC (Oleander Dr.) to U.S. E $8
WW-25. Saint Georges, Bermuda, 1937, G+ slogan machine; 1p Jubilee + 1/2p Harbor on PPC to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-26. Saint Georges, Bermuda, 1954, G+ slogan machine (slogan mostly not struck) 3p map on PPC (Somerset Bridge) to U.S. E $8
WW-27. Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands, 1985, G CDS; 15c crab on PPC to U.S. E $8
WW-28. Annapolis Royal, NS, Canada, 1907, VG CDS/grid on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
WW-29. Antigonish, NS, Canada, 1966, G+ machine; "Nova Scotia/Salt Water Catch" 29x26mm full-color label (photographer, fisherman & catch on dock) tied on PPC to U.S. E $20
WW-30. Askilton, NS, Canada, 1929, G+ split-ring CDS/grid (few tone spots B) (74-52) on cvr to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-31. Baker Lake, NWT, Canada, 1977, G CDS (mostly on stamp) bold straight-line town/province h/s in message area on continental PPC to capt.at Camp Borden. E $12 MIN.6
WW-32. Callender, ON, Canada, 1935, VG+ CDS (lite tone) Dionne Quintuplets photo illus.(babies) pair 3c commems on #10 cvr to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-33. Cape Dorset, NWT, Canada, 1972, F straight-line h/s; 1c Eliz. (60-99) on revalued 6c GPC (no message) to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-34. Carcross, YT, Canada, 1907, VG split-ring CDS as recd; White Horse, YT, G+ CDS/grid origin on PPC w/Bennett News Co.h/s return add. E $24 MIN.12
WW-35. Carlstadt, AB, Canada, 1913, VG split-ring CDS/grid (very heavy vert.cr at L of stamp) on PPC to U.S. E $30
WW-36. Christmas Island, NS, Canada, 1960, G+ CDS; 3+ strikes on cvr to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-37. Clayburn, BC, Canada, 1912, F split-ring CDS/grid on PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-38. Cornwall, ON, Canada, 1934, G+ duplex; 2c New Bruns.founding (Sc.210) on PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-39. Deep Brook, NS, Canada, 1912, G+ split-ring CDS/grid (lite tone) on PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-40. Duck Lake, SK, Canada, 1912, G+ CDS (lite tone) on PPC to U.S. E $8
WW-41. Essondale, BC, Canada, 1917, G+ split-ring CDS/grid (14-78) on PPC to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-42. Field, BC, Canada, 1909, VG CDS/grid (crs) 2c on PPC (Mt.Field) to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-43. Frank, AB, Canada, 1903, G+ CDS (long tears T; soiled; bit ruff L) as recd b/s (01-69) on cvr w/ms "Gold Creek" instruction at B, 3 mos.after "Frank Slide" mining disaster; Groscap, MI (92-22) G+ CDS/target origin. lso listed in "Michigan" category. E $70
WW-44. Frobisher Bay, NWT, Canada, 1972, G+ DCDS & machine; PM signature return add. (53-87) on cvr to U.S. E $20
WW-45. Frobisher Bay, NWT, Canada, 1973, VF straight-line h/s as transit b/s (53-87) on reg'd cvr from Churchill, MB, via Montreal to Hall Beach, NWT. E $24
WW-46. Gjoa Haven, NWT, Canada, 1972, G+ CDS (71-99) on cvr to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-47. Gouldtown, SK, Canada, 1912, G+ split-ring CDS/grid (EARLY; cr) on PPC to U.S. E $14
WW-48. Gunning Cove, NS, Canada, 1927, G+ split-ring CDS (lite tone) (1858-1970) on PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-49. Halbrite, Assa., Canada, 1907, F split-ring CDS/grid (upper R tip scuff, into stamp; tip crs; tiny tear T) bit o/s by Gillies Hill, ON (74-09) G+ split-ring CDS as recd on PPC. E $70
WW-50. Halkirk, Alta, Canada, 1914, G+ split-ring CDS/grid (bit lite tone) on PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-51. Igloolik, NWT, Canada, 1972, VF box h/s; 1c Eliz. (67-99) on revalued 6c GPC (no message) to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-52. Komoka, Ont, Canada, 1916, G+ CDS/grid (bit scuff by address) part o/s by Troy split-ring CDS as recd on PPC. E $6
WW-53. Luseland, SK, Canada, 1911, G+ split-ring CDS/grid (EARLY; lite tone) on PPC to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-54. Manassette Lake, NS, Canada, 1916, G+ split-ring CDS/grid (14-51) on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
WW-55. Postal Sta.R/Montreal, PQ, Canada, 1921, G+ duplex on PPC to U.S. E $14
WW-56. Nober, ON, Canada, 1901, VG+ split-ring CDS/grid (upper R tip nib) (77/14) on cvr to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-57. Oak Bay, NB, Canada, 1906, G+ split-ring CDS/grid (1847-1969) on PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-58. Oyster Bed Bridge, PEI, Canada, 1965, G+ CDS (75-68) on commer.PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-59. Round Hill, NS, Canada, 1907, VG split-ring CDS/grid (lite tone) (1855-1970) on PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-60. Saint Irenee Les Bains, PQ, Canada, 1907, G+ split-ring CDS on PPC to U.S. E $14
WW-61. Sayabec Station, PQ, Canada, 1905, G+ split-ring CDS/cork (00-54) on PPC to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-62. South Ohio, NS, Canada, 1909, G+ CDS on PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-63. Teslin, YT, Canada, 1977, VG CDS (message part water stained) on commer.PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-64. Thamesford,ON, Canada, 1937, G+ CDS/grid on PPC to U.S. E $6
WW-65. Toronto, ON, Canada, 1901, G+ "Canada's Exposition/Aug.26 to Sep.7" flag machine (town parti; part o/s by smudge; tip crs) on PPC to U.S. E $120
WW-66. Tuktoyaktuk, NWT, Canada, 1971, VG+ box h/s; M.V.Norwega illus.ad w/capt's signature on cvr to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-67. White Horse, YT, Canada, 1923, G+ CDS/grid (00-88) on PPC to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-68. Whites Lake, NS, Canada, 1952, G+ CDS/grid (02-54) on commer.PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-69. Wilmot, NS, Canada, 1920, F split-ring CDS/grid (36-23) on cvr to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-70. Windsor, ON, Canada, 1937 (May 12), G+ Imperial Coronation Day pictorial slogan flag (lite tone) on PPC to U.S. E $15
WW-71. St.Thomas & Windsor (Canada), 1918, G+ ty.Q-311 2x 1c War Tax on PPC to U.S. E $14
WW-72. Praia, Cape Verde, 1910, G DCDS tying 2x 10r (Sc.38; 1 damaged) on pix side of PPC to U.S.; VG strike on add.side. E $15 MIN.8
WW-73. Colombo, Ceylon, 1960 (Dec 1), G+ slogan machine; Pentothal "Dear Doctor" script ad; 2x 4c on PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-74. Shanghai, China, 1934, G+ CDS; 15c rice on thin balsa wood PPC (hand painted sunset scene) to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-75. Havana, Cuba, 1936, F Int'l; Hotel Plaza ad header; "Cuba, the Land of eternal Spring" overall full-color back ad on cvr to U.S. E $20
WW-76. Havana, Cuba, 1939, F Int'l; Hotel Plaza illus.ad on air cvr to U.S. E $8
WW-77. Rotary Int'l/Casa de la Amistad/Havana, Cuba, 1940, G+ pictorial cogwheel h/s; 1c on Swedish Amer.Liners PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-78. Santiago, Cuba, 1930, VF Int'l w/"Cuban Sugar" bilingual slogan; 10c-on-25c air Sc.C3 on cvr to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-79. Aarhus, Denmark, 1936, VG DCDS; Aarhus Frimaerkehandel/Harry Poulsen ad cc; 7 stamps, inc.pair 7o (Sc.247) on 5x6" reg'd cvr to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-80. Copenhagen, Denmark, 1940, VG machine; 20-on-15o +5o +Xmas seal (cr perfs) on PPC to U.S.w/red Nazi censor h/s on add. E $15 MIN.8
WW-81. Kolding, Denmark, 1910, VG repeater machine; 2o + 1o on local PPC. E $12 MIN.6
WW-82. Dubai, 1994, G+ machine; United Arab Emirates 2d Bank commem on PPC to U.S. E $6
WW-83. Grand Continental Hotel/Cairo/Post Office, Egypt, 1909, VG bilingual CDS; 4m on PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-84. Cairo Continental Hotel/Cairo/Post Office, Egypt, 1909, G+ CDS on PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-85. Heliopolis, Egypt, 1914, VG+ CDS; 4m on PPC to U.S. E $8
WW-86. Luqsor, Egypt, 1907, VG CDS; 4m on PPC to U.S. E $8
WW-87. Nadi Airport, Fiji, 1993, G+ CDS (part on stamp) 15c Xmas + 10c Visitors Bureau on PPC to U.S. E $6
WW-88. Helsinki, Finland, 1940, G DCDS (water drop smear in message) 50+5p & 1.25m+15p (Sc.B39-40) on censored PPC to Sweden. E $20
WW-89. Wiborg, Finland, 1916, G+ repeater; 2x 2k on PPC to U.S. E $14
WW-90. Avignon, France, 1873, G+ DCDS; 15c Sc.56 on "Carte Postale" to Paris. E $15 MIN.8
WW-91. Chalons-sur-Marne, France, 1929, G+ slogan repeater; 10c military stamp w/"F.M." overprint (Sc.M5) on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
WW-92. Chamonix Mont Blanc, France, 1937, G+ repeater; 90c Sc.290 on PPC to U.S. E $8
WW-93. Paris, France, 1921, G CDS (toned) 30c Sc.170 on PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-94. Paris, France, 1927, G machine; 90c-on-1.05fr on PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-95. Paris, France, 1935, G+ repeater; 90c Sc.290 on PPC to U.S. E $8
WW-96. Paris, France, 1937, G+ slogan machine; 90c Sc.330 on PPC to U.S. E $8
WW-97. Paris, France, 1949, G+ CDS; complete set of 6 semi-postals (Sc.B238-242) on air PPC to U.S. E $30 MIN.15
WW-98. Strasbourg, France, 1937, VG "Visitez La Foire..." slogan machine (crs) 90c Sc.290 on PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-99. Mont Revard a Aix Les Bains (France), 1902, G+ scalloped CDS (B edge heavy toned) 10c on 2-panel PPC (mountains) to U.S.; "T" in triangle marking, but no due stamp applied. E $15 MIN.8
WW-100. Alexandria, Egypte (France: Offices in Egypt), 1917, G+ DCDS (angle trim T) censor tape L; 25c Alexandrie (Sc.24) on 4.25x6.5" cvr to Paris. E $24 MIN.12
WW-101. Constantinople-Stamboul/Poste-Francse (France: Offices in Turkey), 1909, G+ DCDS (lite tone) 10c Levant (Sc.26 on Athens, Greece, PPC. E $20
WW-102. Jaffa, Syrie (France: Offices in Turkey), 1898, G+ DCDS (lite tone) 2pi-on-50c (Sc.3) DIAGONAL BISECT, used as 1pi on 2.75x5" trimmed FRONT panel, hinged to 3x5" back panel; to Cospoli, Turkey; Constantinople G+ DCDS as transit b/s. AS IS for faults, but RARE. E $40
WW-103. Salonique, Turquie (France: Offices in Turkey), 1911, VG DCDS; 10c Levant (Sc.26) on cvr to U.S.w/pair 3c dues. E $24 MIN.12
WW-104. Tanger, French Morocco, 1906, G+ DCDS (near VG+) 10c-on-10c Sc.16 on PPC to U.S. E $20
WW-105. Papeete, Ile Tahiti, French Oceania, 1932, G CDS w/"Voir Tahiti Et Y Vivre" boxed slogan; 90c-on-75c (Sc.63) on PPC to U.S. E $30
WW-106. Papeete, Ile Tahiti, French Oceania, 1933, G+ CDS w/bit spotty "Visitez Tahiti/(Pe)rle du/(Pa)cifique" boxed slogan; 90c (Sc.48; bit cr; couple nib perfs) on PPC to U.S. E $50
WW-107. FAAA Aeroport/Ile de Tahiti, French Polynesia, 1990, F CDS; 56f on PPC to U.S. E $8
WW-108. Funchal, 1908, G+ DCDS; 20r Portugal (Sc.115) on PPC to Germany. E $15 MIN.8
WW-109. Funchal, 1909, partial DCDS (lite tone) 20r on Madeira PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-110. Funchal, 1909, G+ DCDS (lower L crnr clip; lite tone) 20r on Madeira PPC to England, fwd to Gibraltar. E $15 MIN.8
WW-111. Funchal, 1909, G+ DCDS; 25r Sc.252 on PPC to Germany. E $12 MIN.6
WW-112. Baden-Baden, Germany, 1941, G+ machine w/Spa ad slogan; 6pf on PPC. E $8
WW-113. Berchtesgaden, Germany, 1923 (Jun 17), partial DCDS; 12m +8m +2m +pair 150pf on PPC. E $15
WW-114. Berchtesgaden, Germany, 1923, G+ DCDS (lite tone) 500m on PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-115. Berlin, Germany, 1923, F DCDS; 500m +strip/3x 100m air (Sc.C18) on cvr to U.S. E $40 MIN.20
WW-116. Berlin Olympia-Stadion/XI Olympiade, Germany, 1936, VG CDS w/pictorial bell; 15+10pf fencing (Sc.B87) on PPC to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-117. Berlin Olympia-Stadion/XI Olympiade 1936, Germany, 1936, G+ CDS w/pictorial bell & swastikas (part on stamp; lite tone; crnr crs) 15pf Sc.478 on PPC (Olympic stadium) to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-118. Dresden-Altst., Germany, 1907, G+ Bickerdyke BW-8 (near F) on PPC to U.S. E $20
WW-119. Eisenach, Germany, 1936, partial DCDS; 15pf Recreation Congress on PPC to U.S. E $8
WW-120. Emmerich, Germany, 1902, VG DCDS (bit o/s; lite tone) Post Office/Cairo/Cook's Tourist Service G+ DCDS (x2) as fwd on PPC to Cairo, Egypt, & fwd to Helouan. E $20
WW-121. Frankfurt, Germany, 1949, F DCDS; set/3 Goethe semi-postals (Sc.B306-8) on unadd.PPC (portrait). E $24 MIN.12
WW-122. Geestemunde, Germany, 1900, G DCDS (upper R arc not struck) on PPC to ADEN w/VG+ CDS as recd. E $15 MIN.8
WW-123. Gross Lichtenau, Germany, 1910, G+ DCDS; "Spende Fur Den Ostmarkenschatz/Kein Fussbreit Deutscher Erde Darfverloren Gehen" pictorial label w/"2" denomination in message area on PPC. E $20
WW-124. Hamburg, Germany, 1915, F Krag repeater (tip cr) "Auslandstelle Cöln-Deutz" h/s on address; on PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-125. Kempten, Germany, 1923 (Oct 23), G CDS (dial hi; lite tone) 2x 10 million mark (Sc.286) on PPC to U.S. E $40
WW-126. Leipzig, Germany, 1930, G+ CDS w/pictorial fox slogan (dial bit hi; slogan o/s by partial 2nd strike) on PPC. E $8
WW-127. Lorch, Germany, 1951, G+ DCDS; 15pf airport (Sc.9N48) +5pf bell (Sc.9N70) on cacheted PC to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-128. Mulheim, Germany, 1903, G+ CDS (bit o/s) on PPC to Indochina w/Deutsche Seepost partial CDS & Singapore VF DCDS as transit; rec'd 5 weeks after mailed. E $15 MIN.8
WW-129. Munich, Germany, 1919, G DCDS (crs) 15pf overprint Sc.140 on PPC. E $14
WW-130. Munich, Germany, 1922, G+ German Business School slogan repeater w/pictorial silhouette heads (lite tone) 2m +2x 75pf on PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-131. Munich, Germany, 1923 (Sep 16), G+ slogan repeater; 2x 15,000m-on-40m on PPC. E $20
WW-132. Munich, Germany, 1938, G+ "Int'le Rennwochen" slogan machine w/pictorial racehorses on PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-133. Norddorf, Germany, 1934, G+ pictorial CDS (upper R on stamp) on PPC. E $6
WW-134. Nuremberg/Hof/Bayer.Bahnpost, Germany, 1912, G+ boxed h/s (slight tip wear) 10pf Bavaria on PPC to U.S. E $20
WW-135. Oberammergau, Germany, 1910, VF Bickerdyke BSE-3 "Passionsspiele" slogan on PPC to U.S. E $24
WW-136. Plotzkau, Germany, 1949, partial DCDS; Soviet Zone 10pf +20pf pair (10N4/10N8) on cvr to U.S. E $50
WW-137. Saalfeld, Germany, 1919, G+ DCDS; 10pf Sc.105 +5pf on PPC. E $8
WW-138. Schwarzburg, Germany, 1923 (Aug 26), G+ DCDS; 4x 2000m (Sc.205; 1 bit wrapped around edge) on PPC. E $20
WW-139. Untersachsenberg, Germany, 1923 (Jun 18), G slogan DCDS (2 strikes, part overlap) pair 20m Sc.224 on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
WW-140. Untersachsenberg, Germany, 1923 (Nov 13), G+ slogan DCDS (2 strikes, part overlap) 500mil m Sc.293 (1 short perf; bit lite tone) solo use on PPC. E $40
WW-141. Coln a Rhein (Germany), 1880, VG CDS (tip crs; bit lite tone) on PC. E $20
WW-142. Cologne-Karlsruhe (Baden)/Bahnpost (Germany), 1910, F+ oval (lite tone) on PPC to U.S. E $16
WW-143. Beirut/Deutsche Post (Germany: Offices in Turkey), 1906, VG CDS (tiny tip cr) 20pa-on-10pf (Sc.32) on PPC to U.S., w/London/F.S.21 VF DCDS as transit. E $24 MIN.12
WW-144. Constantinople/Deutsche Post (Germany: Offices in Turkey), 1902, G CDS; 20pa-on-10pf (Sc14) on PPC to Germany. E $20
WW-145. Constantinople/Deutsche Post (Germany: Offices in Turkey), 1907, partial DCDS (lower R arc mostly not struck; tip crs) 20pa-on-10pf Sc.44 on PPC w/message in Greek, to U.S. E $14
WW-146. Gibraltar, 1915, G DCDS; 1p on PPC (Gen'l Eliott's Monument) to U.S. E $5
WW-147. Gibraltar, 1918, VF DCDS (lite tone; tip cr) on Spain PPC to U.S. E $8
WW-148. Gibraltar, 1959, F DCDS; 3p + 2x 5p (Sc.137/139) on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
WW-149. Bexhill-on-Sea, Great Britain, 1940, partial machine; 1.5p +2.5p +3p (Sc.254, 256-7) on censored air PPC "Via North Atlantic Service" to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-150. Bournemouth, Great Britain, 1925, F "Torchlight Tattoo" slogan machine on PPC. E $15 MIN.8
WW-151. Drumnadrochit, Great Britain, 1969, G+ DCDS; 5d Scotland on PPC from "Loch Ness" town to U.S. E $8
WW-152. Halifax, Great Britain, 1910, F repeater; 1/2p on PPC to Belfast. E $8
WW-153. Hampstead/Fairfax Rd., Great Britain, 1880, G+ CDS & reg'd oval (edge wear; edge tears) 2.5p (Sc.68) PL#19; printed 2c stamp on back flap on reg'd PSE to U.S. E $20
WW-154. Jersey, Great Britain, 1910, F+ DCDS (surface wear on pix side) on PPC to U.S. E $8
WW-155. Exchange B.O./Liverpool, Great Britain, 1906, VF CDS on PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-156. London, Great Britain, 1914, VG CDS as recd, tying 1p due (Sc.J2); Roanoke, VA, origin; 1c Wash. on PPC. E $14
WW-157. London, Great Britain, 1925, VG+ DCDS (toned; pinholes) on QSL PPC to U.S. E $20
WW-158. London, Great Britain, 1925, G+ "Torchlight Tattoo" slogan machine (uneven toned) on QSL PPC to U.S. E $20
WW-159. London, Great Britain, 1937, G+ machine & DCDS; 1p Geo.VI +1/2p Edw.VIII on commer.1.5p Geo.V letter card to Germany. NICE "3 kings" combo. E $20
WW-160. Bristol-Plymouth TPO (Great Britain), 1960, G+ DCDS; 4x 1/2p w/graphite lines (Sc.353c); "Posted without late fee/1d to pay." boxed h/s on cvr. E $24 MIN.12
WW-161. Caledonian TPO UP-G.W.Sect (Great Britain), 1959, G DCDS; 5x 1/2p w/graphite lines (Sc.353c); "Posted without late fee/1d to pay." boxed h/s scribble thru; on cvr. E $30 MIN.15
WW-162. East Anglian TPO UP (Great Britain), 1959, G+ DCDS; 4x 1/2p w/graphite lines (Sc.353c); "Posted without late fee/1d to pay." boxed h/s on cvr. E $24 MIN.12
WW-163. South Eastern TPO UP (Great Britain), 1959, G DCDS; 4x 1/2p w/graphite lines (Sc.353c); "1d/To Pay/Posted In/T.P.O./Late Fee/Not Paid." boxed h/s on cvr. E $24 MIN.12
WW-164. British Post Office (Great Britain: Offices in Morocco), 1919, G CDS (dial hi: T arc off) pair 5c-on-1/2p (Sc.34) on PPC to U.S. E $20
WW-165. Tangier (Great Britain: Offices in Morocco), 1955, G+ machine; 7p overprint (Sc.568) on air PPC to U.S. E $20
WW-166. British Post Office/Constantinople (Great Britain: Offices in Turkey), 1913, G+ CDS (B arc partial; lite tone) 1p Great Brit. on Athens PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-167. British Post Office/Constantinople (Great Britain: Offices in Turkey), 1920, G DCDS (T arc mostly not struck; dial hi) 1p Great Brit. on PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-168. Frederikshab, Greenland, 1963, G+ DCDS; illus.bicycle ad; 60o +5o on 5x6" cvr. E $15
WW-169. Correo Aereo Internationale, Guatemala, 1931, G+ oval/4-bar (bit ruff R; edge tears; L edge crs) Nat'l Aviation Co.h/s cc; "Visit Guatemala/The Land of Eternal Spring & Where the Best Coffee in the World is Grown/The Palace Hotel Welcomes You" boxed ad h/s on back; 5 diff.stamps on #10 cvr to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-170. Correos Internationale, Guatemala, 1924, G+ 4-bar; Agencia de Negocios cc; "Guatemalan Coffee is the Best All Over the World" bilingual red ad h/s (part spotty) on back on cvr to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-171. Victoria, Hong Kong, 1908, G+ DCDS (o/s; lite tone) 4c on PPC ("Chinese Execution of a Pirate": executioner raising machete over kneeling pirate), to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-172. Hong Kong, 1960 (Mar 25), G+ slogan machine; Pentothal "Dear Doctor" script ad; 15c on PPC to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-173. Hong Kong, 1960 (Mar 30), G+ slogan machine; Pentothal "Dear Doctor" script ad; 15c on PPC to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-174. Hong Kong, 1983, G machine; $1.30 fireworks on air PPC to U.S. E $8
WW-175. Budapest, Hungary, 1917, G+ DCDS; 3f +3 semipostals (Sc.B35-7) on PPC to Germany. E $15 MIN.8
WW-176. Budapest, Hungary, 1917, G DCDS; 3f +3 semipostals (Sc.B35-7) +2f (Sc.E1) on special del.PPC to Germany. E $20 MIN.10
WW-177. Reykjavik, Iceland, 1952, G DCDS; 90a harbor (tear R) on PPC to U.S. E $8
WW-178. (Hanoi?), Indochina, 1913, partial DCDS (upper R not struck) 5c-on-15c (Sc.60) on PPC to Hanoi. E $12 MIN.6
WW-179. Reykjavik, Island, 1960, G+ meter (dial bit o/s) on air PPC (cruise ship) to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-180. Jerusalem, Israel, 1964, G slogan machine; 20a + 6a fish + 10a Zodiac on PPC to U.S. E $8
WW-181. Ramat Gan, Israel, 1972, G+ CDS; 6 diff stamps on #10 air cvr to U.S. E $8
WW-182. Rome, Italy, 1931, F machine; 75c Sc.253 (tear T) on PPC to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-183. Trieste, Italy, 1947, partial DCDS (tip crs) 50L +10L +6L +1L "A.M.G./F.T.T." overprints on PPC to U.S. E $24 MIN.12
WW-184. Street Letter Box Kingston, Jamaica, 1906, VG+ DCDS; 1/2p on PPC via "Imprime" rate to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-185. Kingston, Jamaica, 1949, G+ slogan machine; 6d +2d UPU commems on PPC (S.S.Alcoa) from "1st time passenger" to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-186. Kingston, Jamaica, 1958, G+ DCDS (lite tone) Pan Am air label at L; 3d + 2d on PPC to U.S. E $8
WW-187. Palisadoes, Jamaica, 1957, G DCDS; 2x 2.5d on PPC to U.S. E $5
WW-188. Kanda, Japan, 1955, G DCDS; 14y Mt.Akan-Fuji (Sc.503) on PPC to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-189. Kobe, Japan, 1908, G+ DCDS tying 4s on pix side of PPC to Indochina; Ligne N/Paq Fr.No.4 G+ octagon (dial hi: "NE" partly off) as transit above address. E $15 MIN.8
WW-190. (Yamagata), Japan, [1909], VF DCDS; 4s on PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-191. Yokohama, Japan, 1907, G+ DCDS; 4s on PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-192. Jerusalem, Jordan, 1959, G+ CDS (upper R on stamp; edge tear T) Mennonite Central Committee h/s cc; 35f on 5x6.25" cvr to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-193. Jerusalem, Jordan, 1960, G+ CDS; 25f air +15f on PPC to U.S. E $14
WW-194. Jerusalem, Jordan, 1965, G CDS (T arc not struck) 2x 2f on PPC (RMS Queen Mary) to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-195. Jerusalem, Jordan, 1967, G+ CDS (mostly on stamp) "Air Mail/Mount Scopus Hotel" h/s; 50f on PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-196. Jerusalem Citadel, Jordan, 1955, VG+ CDS (heavy cr) 20f +10f +5f on PPC to U.S. E $14
WW-197. Jerusalem/Citadel, Jordan, 1956, G+ CDS (upper R on stamp) 20f mosque on PPC to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-198. Nairobi, Kenya, 1963, G+ machine (bit lite tone) 25c + bit faulty 1s on PPC to U.S. E $8
WW-199. Nairobi, Kenya, 1973, G slogan machine tying EEA Air Mail label; 70c Interpol +60c shell on PPC to U.S. E $8
WW-200. Beyrouth, Lebanon, 1950, G+ CDS; 15p+50p (Sc.C146, C147B) on air cvr to U.S. E $20 MIN.10
WW-201. Triesenberg, Liechtenstein, 1936, VG slogan machine & DCDS (upper R tip nib) 10rp +15rp +20rp +30rp +50rp aird (Sc.9-13) on reg'd air cvr to Germany. E $80 MIN.40
WW-202. Vaduz, Liechtenstein, 1954 (Apr 8), G DCDS; Shoppers Club renewal subscription printed "script" ad at L on PPC to U.S. E $20
WW-203. Vaduz, Liechtenstein, 1954 (Apr 23), G DCDS (bit cr) socked-on-nose on 10rp Sc.266; Shoppers Club renewal printed "script" ad on PPC to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-204. Vaduz, Liechtenstein, 1954 (Aug 26), G+ DCDS; 10rp soccer; Shoppers Club renewal printed "script" ad on PPC to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-205. Vaduz, Liechtenstein, 1955, G DCDS (tip crs) 50rp cattle (Sc.254) on PPC to U.S. E $14
WW-206. Vaduz, Liechtenstein, 1955 (May 11), G+ DCDS; Shoppers Club renewal printed "script" ad; 10rp (Sc.248) on PPC to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-207. Vaduz, Liechtenstein, 1969, G+ slogan machine w/pictorial rocket; 50rp +5rp Saints on air PPC to U.S. E $8
WW-208. Vaduz, Liechtenstein, 1969, G+ slogan machine w/pictorial castle; 60rp St.Martin on air PPC to U.S. E $8
WW-209. Vaduz, Liechtenstein, 1973, G slogan machine; 50rp goat +10rp on air PPC to U.S. E $8
WW-210. Vaduz, Liechtenstein, 1989, G+ DCDS; Vaduz Castle illus.label at lower L; 1.10fr fish on PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-211. Luxembourg, 1954, VG DCDS; 5f (Sc.C11) on air PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-212. Fort de France, Martinique, 1907, G DCDS (edge tear T) tying 10c Sc.39 on pix side of PPC to U.S. E $16
WW-213. Fort de France, Martinique, 1922, G+ DCDS; 30c on PPC to U.S. E $15
WW-214. Fort de France, Martinique, 1927, G CDS (ruff R, where removed from booklet; lite tone) 40c +30c Fort de France commems on PPC to U.S. E $15
WW-215. La Cananea, Mexico, 1914, F duplex; 10c Sc.358 DIAGONAL BISECT accepted as postage on cvr to Magdalena. E $24 MIN.12
WW-216. Monte Carlo, Monaco, 1936, F slogan repeater; 90c Sc.119 on PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-217. Monte Carlo, Monaco, 1939, G slogan repeater; 60c +10c on PPC to France. E $12 MIN.6
WW-218. Monte Carlo, Monaco, 1945, G CDS; 10 diff.stamps on pix side of PPC to France. E $14
WW-219. Beira, Mozambique, 1961, G+ CDS (upper R on stamp; edge tear T) 1e map on commer.cvr to Nyasaland, w/Luchenza G+ DCDS at L, as fwd; Mlanje F DCDS as recd b/s. E $14
WW-220. Lourenco Marques, Mozambique, 1907, G+ hexagon; 20r Lourenco Marques (Sc.35) on PPC to U.S. E $20
WW-221. Kathmandu, Nepal, 1973, G DCDS; 1r Gorkha (Sc.272) on PPC to U.S. E $8
WW-222. 'sGravenhage, Netherlands, 1908, G+ repeater machine; Utrecht repeater struck vertically at L on PPC. E $14
WW-223. Hillegom, Netherlands, 1985, VF DCDS; "Surface mail/Air Lifted" printed by stamp; Breck's text ad at L; 90c on PPC to U.S. E $8
WW-224. Rotterdam, Netherlands, 1923, VG "Royal Mail/Great Britain-Flushing" bilingual slogan machine (lite tone) 12.5c Sc.108 on PPC to U.S. E $14
WW-225. Netherlands (Indistinct town), 1914, G CDS; 2.5c (Sc.90) on PPC to U.S. E $15
WW-226. Weltevreden, Netherlands Indies, 1908, G DCDS; 2.5c w/"JAVA" overprint (Sc.84) on PPC to U.S. E $20
WW-227. Noumea, New Caledonia, 1963, G machine; 15f map (Sc.321) on air PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-228. Canterbury, New South Wales, 1905, G+ CDS w/"218" killer (o/s; lite tone) 1p +1/2p on priv.PC to U.S. E $8
WW-229. Kristiania, Norway, 1912, G+ Centenary Exhibition slogan repeater (bit lite tone) 3o on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
WW-230. Kristiania, Norway, 1914, VG DCDS slogan repeater; 5o Constitution on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
WW-231. Oslo, Norway, 1914, G+ Centenary Expo trilingual slogan repeater on PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-232. Trondheim, Norway, 1964, G DCDS (lite tone) 25+10o & 65+25o (Sc.B59, B61) on air PPC to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-233. Jerusalem, Palestine, 1921, G CDS ("LEM mostly not struck) "Hotel Allenby" h/s above add.; 4m overprint Sc.18a on Bethleham PPC to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-234. Jerusalem, Palestine, 1927, VG+ repeater; faulty 7m on PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-235. Jerusalem, Palestine, 1937, VF DCDS & partial machine; 8m mosque on Bethlehem PPC to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-236. Panama, 1985, G+ meter on PPC to U.S. w/TOPLESS woman from Waunana tribe, holding bucket of shellfish ("L2" postal routing h/s on upper chest). RARE when mailed. E $15 MIN.8
WW-237. Pitcairn Islands, 2007, G CDS (T arc mostly not struck) 60c Henderson Isld.commem on commer.#10 cvr to U.S. E $20
WW-238. Posta-Romana/Cospoli (Romania: Offices in Turkey), 1896, G+ CDS; 2x 20pa-on-10b +1pia-on-25b (Sc.2-3) on cvr to Germany; Bucuresci-Constanta-Cospoli VF DCDS as transit b/s. E $80
WW-239. Moscow, Russia, 1916, 2 diff.G+ DCDS (lite tone) on censored PPC to U.S. E $15
WW-240. Moscow, Russia, 1961, G+ CDS; large 14k airplane commem. on 3k GPC to U.S. datelined Novosobirsk, Siberia. E $8
WW-241. Sulzbach, Saar, 1930, F DCDS; 20c +50c (Sc.122/126) on add.side; 2nd 20c on pix side, tied by Saarbrucken VF DCDS on PPC to U.S. E $20
WW-242. Saint Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla (indistinct town), 1980, G DCDS; 2x 15c (1 almost fully overlapping other) on PPC to U.S. E $6
WW-243. Saint Pierre et Miquelon, 1954, G CDS (upper R arc partial) 17f Sc.344 solo on commer.cvr to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-244. Freetown, Sierra Leone, 1962, F CDS; pair 1/Bullom Boat on air cvr to U.S. E $15
WW-245. Villa Cisneros, Spanish Sahara, 1956, G+ DCDS; script ad for "up-to-date internal telephone system": "These Witch Doctors rely upon fear & superstition to maintain their power & position..."; 70c oryx on PPC (witch doctors) to Wales. E $15 MIN.8
WW-246. Manzini, Swaziland, 1979, G+ DCDS; 10c coins on air PPC to U.S. E $8
WW-247. Mbabane, Swaziland, ca.1991, G DCDS; 1e butterfly on PPC to U.S. E $6
WW-248. Halsingborg, Sweden, 1922, G+ DCDS (lite tone; crnr cr) 25o coil on PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-249. Stockholm, Sweden, 1925, VF slogan repeater; 30o coil on cvr to U.S. E $8
WW-250. PKP 89 (Sweden), 1938, F CDS; 1o +2o +3o coil+4o +10o on PPC to U.S. E $15
WW-251. Aarau/Nationale Briefmarken-Ausstellung, Switzerland, 1938, G+ CDS; 20c +50c +10c-on-65c airs on reg'd air cvr to U.S. E $20
WW-252. Asuel, Switzerland, 1914, VG DCDS on PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-253. Gimel, Switzerland, 1900, G+ DCDS (lite tone) 5c (Sc.98) on PPC. E $14
WW-254. Lausanne, Switzerland, 1934, G+ DCDS tying 15c due (Sc.J50); "T/N.Y./Centimes 10/N" magenta opera glass h/s on PPC w/Rhinebeck, NY, machine origin, tying 2x 1c Frank. E $14
WW-255. Saint Gallen, Switzerland, 1920, F DCDS; 2.5c +7.5c (Sc.154/162) on pix side of PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-256. Schweiz.Automobil-Postbureau, Switzerland, 1937, G+ DCDS; pair 20c +40c-on-20c airs (C17, C24) on reg'd air cvr to U.S. E $24 MIN.12
WW-257. Vevey, Switzerland, 1902 (Dec 25), G+ DCDS socked-on-nose on 10c on PPC to Algeria. E $8
WW-258. Winterthur, Switzerland, 1926, VG machine; 20c semipostal (Sc.B39) on PPC to U.S. E $16
WW-259. Zurich, Switzerland, 1915, G DCDS tying 13c-on-12c (Sc.188) on pix side of PPC to Holland; VF strike on add.side. E $15
WW-260. Zurich, Switzerland, 1924, F DCDS/slogan machine; 10c semi-postal Sc.B30 on PPC. E $15
WW-261. Zurich, Switzerland, 1931, G DCDS; 10c Pro Juventute Wetterhorn (Sc.B58) on PPC to U.S. E $12 MIN.6
WW-262. Shinyanga, Tanganyika, 1941, G+ DCDS (bit ruff R) censor tape L; 3x 10c-on-3p (Sc.87a/b) on cvr to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-263. Arusha, Tanzania, 1980, G DCDS; pair 1s satellite dish on PPC to U.S. E $6
WW-264. Niuafo'ou, Tonga, 1962, G+ DCDS; Matson Lines illus.cc; 2 diff.blue "Tin Can Mail" h/s (VERY lite) at B; 4d +3.5d +1.5d commems on cvr to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-265. Port of Spain, Trinidad, 1925, G CDS (upper R not struck) 2x 1/2p (Sc.21), 1 partly covered by 2c due stamp w/Dubuque, IA, VF prcanx; New York, NY/GPO/Due 2 Cents h/s on message on PPC to U.S. E $15 MIN.8
WW-266. Pera, Turkey, 1926, G DCDS (lite tone) pair 3pi on REAL PHOTO PPC (Sept Tours, Constantinople) to U.S. E $14
WW-267. Smyrna, Turkey, 1912, G+ DCDS (lite tone; stain spot T) 20pa w/overprint (Sc.162) on PPC to U.S. E $15
WW-268. Niafunke, Upper Senegal, 1924, G CDS; 1c +4c (Sc.1, 3) on PPC to England. E $15 MIN.8
WW-269. Vatican City, 1990, G+ pictorial machine; 500L "red groas beak" + 450L air on PPC to U.S. E $5
WW-270. Caracas, Venezuela, [1937], G+ purple machine; 10c "security paper" on PPC to U.S. E $8
WW-271. Saigon, Vietnam, 1963, G CDS; bit faulty 1d50 +2d +pair 4d on PPC to U.S. E $6

MX-1. Phoenix, AZ, 1910, G+ Amer/A14 on PPC: young BARE-BREASTED "Maricopa Indian Girl" w/long hair & necklace. RARE to see mailed this early in U.S. E $40 MIN.20
MX-2. Los Angeles, CA, 1935, VF blue-green 4-bar; "The Camel Express/Fort Tejon, Calif." VG DCDS as origin at L, tying 46x58mm "Camel Express" label on cvr. E $20
MX-3. Los Angeles, CA, 1950, G+ duplex (bit lite tone; slight smear in message) 3c Prexie on PPC to Lorain, OH, w/blue litho man's (addressee's) portrait, which has been glued to stiff card, & glued to address area (tied by canx!) IN PLACE OF HIS NAME. Name penciled above canx, probably after receipt. E $20
MX-4. Los Angeles, CA, 1969, G+ machine (crs; tear B) "Classic Cat" strip club ad ("Continuous Topless Entertainment") on 8.75x3.5" PPC, folded in half (as intended) before mailed. Full-color 3 dancers inside (2 w/BARE BREASTS showing): "Saw... stage prod(uction) of 'Hair.' Shocking... Sat out 2nd act". E $24 MIN.12
MX-5. Modesto, CA, 1960, G+ Univ.; Stanislaus Stamp Club cc; "Honoring 50th Anniv./Boy Scouts" cachet (hiking scout); 4c Boy Scouts on cvr. E $6
MX-6. Taft, CA, 1940s, G+ duplex (year partial) 1c Defense on 1/16" thick YUCCA WOOD PPC. Unusual to see mailed. E $12 MIN.6
MX-7. Fort Collins, CO, 1917 (Nov 1), VF Univ. (bit trim R) Jas.A.Nisbet, Dodge Bros.Motor Car cc; Last Day of 2c rate on cvr w/encs. E $30
MX-8. Manitou, CO, ca.1914, G+ Amer/A14 (year bit obscured) "Pike's Peak Official Post Card" header w/word "Official" obliterated by black bar overprint (maybe for postal reg.violation?) on PPC (Ute Iron Spgs). E $15 MIN.8
MX-9. McElmo, CO, 1932 (Feb 29), G+ 4-bar (near VG+) Last Day P.O.; LEAP DAY canx (92/32) on cvr. E $20 MIN.10
MX-10. Sterling, CO, 1909, G duplex (town partial; crnr crs; small surface scuff) on PPC w/embroidered U.S.flag attachment on pix side, designed to be removed & sewn on. E $12 MIN.6
MX-11. Westcliffe, CO, ca.1909 (Feb 14), G CDS/cork (bit lite tone; upper R crnr tear) 1c Sc.300 solo on 4.25x5.75" cvr w/pictorial albino embossed border. E $14
MX-12. Washington, DC, 1901, G+ Int'l (tip crs, 1 heavy) illus.on add.side: black waiter doing "cake walk" w/upraised arm "holding" 2c red stamp in his hand; on priv.mailing card ("Cake Walk-Negro Dance": fancy dressed 2 men, 2 women, young girl in dance poses) to England. E $20
MX-13. Washington, DC, 1907, G+ duplex; 1c Jamestown on priv.mailing card w/prohibited "Postal Card" wording in header. E $12 MIN.6
MX-14. Cairo, GA, 1928 (Feb 29), G+ Amer/A14; LEAP DAY canx on commer.cvr. E $24 MIN.12
MX-15. USPS, HI, 1972, G+ machine (lite tone; edges bit curled) on 3-D PPC: 2 TOPLESS young women (1 w/breasts exposed) w/waterfall. SCARCE to see mailed. E $20 MIN.10
MX-16. Bloomington, IL, 1906, G+ Amer/B14(); 2c Sc.319 on 3x4" comic PPC w/metal frame. E $12 MIN.6
MX-17. Campus, IL, 1907, G+ duplex on PPC w/4 "bow tie" ribbon appliques on pix side. SCARCE to see mailed & intact. E $15 MIN.8
MX-18. Chicago, IL, 1907, G+ Int'l on priv.mailing card w/prohibited "Postal Card" wording in header. E $8
MX-19. Farmington, IL, 1906, G duplex on 3x4" comic PPC w/metal frame (message on front). E $12 MIN.6
MX-20. Joliet, IL, 1913, G+ Time-Cmns (tip cr) BOLD red-orange 8-bar "Received" private machine applied at Sears-Roebuck; 1c Balboa on PPC. E $15
MX-21. LaSalle, IL, 1918, VG Univ.; bit faulty pair 1c Wash.paying war rate on 2.25x6.5" bookmark PPC. Should have required 3c letter rate for message at L. E $15 MIN.8
MX-22. Normal, IL, 1912, VG Doremus ty.E; 2c Wash. on 2.25x6.5" bookmark "Mailing Card" PPC; letter rate required for message on add.side. E $15 MIN.8
MX-23. Rockford, IL, 1908, F duplex & other canxes; 4x 1c on "chain letter" PPC, mailed 4 times. E $20 MIN.10
MX-24. Sheldon, IL, 1910, partial duplex (town mostly not struck, but barely enough for ID) on 1/16" thick WOOD PPC w/2 married couples' INVITATION to 5th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY party. RARE. E $15 MIN.8
MX-25. Streator, IL, 1932, G+ duplex; "Censored/2/I.S.R." magenta circled h/s & add'l heavy black cork killer; Illinois State Reformatory markings on PPC to prisoner at Pontiac, IL. E $15 MIN.8
MX-26. Streator, IL, 1932, VF Univ.; "Censored/18/I.S.R." magenta circled h/s & add'l heavy black cork killer; Illinois State Reformatory markings on PPC to prisoner at Pontiac, IL. E $15 MIN.8
MX-27. Streator, IL, 1932, VF Univ.; "Censored/12/I.S.R." magenta circled h/s & add'l heavy black cork killer; Illinois State Reformatory markings on PPC to prisoner at Pontiac, IL. E $15 MIN.8
MX-28. Logansport, IN, 1960, F Univ.; Logansport Coin & Stamp Club cc; "50th Year of Scouting" cachet (design of 4c commem); 4c Boy Scouts on cvr. E $6
MX-29. South Bend, IN, 1951, G+ Univ.; 2x 2c Prexies on 4.25x6" University of Notre Dame 9-panel folder w/football stadium on back. E $20
MX-30. Burlington, IA, 1906, G duplex on 3x4" oval PPC w/metal frame (sender's initials on front). E $12 MIN.6
MX-31. Dubuque, IA, 1900, G+ Barry; 1c Frank. on black-border MOURNING cvr. E $8
MX-32. Fostoria, IA, 1908, partial duplex (town mostly not struck) 1c Sc.300 on PPC; small envelope applique w/enc.on pix side. Should have required 2c letter rate. E $15 MIN.8
MX-33. Humboldt, IA, ca.1922, G duplex (year partial) "Merry Christmas" red wax seal impression at L (cracks, but complete) on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
MX-34. Selden, KS, 1909, partial 4-bar on GLASSINE cvr w/enc."Greetings from Selden" glitter PPC. E $15
MX-35. Wichita, KS, 1909, G Colum.; 1c Frank.BOOKLET PAIR on PPC; "A Merry Christmas" on pix side; large "A", "M" & "C" die-cut thru card w/blue gelatin(?) filler, about half intact. SCARCE to see mailed. E $20
MX-36. Cottonport, LA, 1906, F duplex; 1c Sc.300 on PPC w/message on address side. Should have been assessed add'l 1c postage due for that. E $15 MIN.8
MX-37. New Orleans, LA, 1883 (Oct 7), F duplex (edge tear B) St.Charles Hotel fancy cc; EARLY 2c rate use; 2c banknote on FRONT ONLY. E $15 MIN.8
MX-38. Blanchard, ME, 1910, G duplex (address mostly faded) on BIRCH BARK PC to local add. E $12 MIN.6
MX-39. Boston, MA, 1898, F Amer/B14(C); stapled edge to secure message panel inside on 2-panel 3x4.5" "Budget Letter Card" w/perforated border removed, apparently sold w/2c red affixed: "If used for transmission abroad... add'l postage... should be supplied by... extra adhesive stamps" instruction on back. E $20
MX-40. Boston, MA, 1904, VG Amer/B4(5) on priv.mailing card w/prohibited "Postal Card" wording in header. E $12 MIN.6
MX-41. Worcester, MA, 1889, G+ Wesson H(C); 2c green on 3x4" black-border MOURNING cvr. E $12 MIN.6
MX-42. Ann Arbor, MI, 1904 (Feb 29), VF Colum (bit ruff trim R) LEAP DAY canx on cvr w/Grand Rapids G+ Int'l (Feb 29) as recd b/s. E $15 MIN.8
MX-43. Bay City, MI, 1967, G+ DCDS (toned; crs) on "squeaker" w/2 google-eyed birds on pix side. SCARCE to see mailed & intact. E $15
MX-44. Detroit, MI, 1911 (Jul 11), G+ Int'l; 1c coil Sc.387 on PPC: "Saw Detroit beat Phila.today 14 to 8 after Detroit seemingly had lost 7 to 1..." Ty Cobb & Tigers scored 3 runs in 7th & 7 in 8th to win that day. E $120
MX-45. Empire, MI, 1919, F duplex (edge tears; nicks) 1c offset Wash. on GLASSINE cvr; enc.PPC w/silver trim, maybe misinterpreted as glitter. E $14
MX-46. Freeland, MI, 1909, G+ 4-bar on hand-painted comic BALSA WOOD PPC w/paper add.panel backing. E $12 MIN.6
MX-47. Kalamazoo, MI, 1909, G+ Colum.; 1c Frank. on "Sheahan's Humours Novelties" PPC; small 1.5x2.25" env.w/enc.applique on pix side. Should have been assessed letter rate. E $14
MX-48. Saint Johns, MI, 1914, G+ Time-Cmns; 1c Wash. on GLASSINE cvr w/enc.heavy embossed PPC. E $14
MX-49. Sherwood, MI, 1906, G+ CDS/cork; 2x 1c Sc.300 on hand-painted comic BALSA WOOD PPC w/paper add.panel backing. E $12 MIN.6
MX-50. Cass Lane, MN, 1957, VG Int'l "tying" riveted "wheel" in message area on mechanical comic PPC. SCARCE to see mailed & intact. E $14
MX-51. Duluth, MN, 1908, partial Int'l & other canxes (tip crs) 2c +3x 1c (2 stamps mostly scraped; AS IS for that) on "chain letter" PPC, mailed 4 times. E $12 MIN.6
MX-52. Emmons, MN, 1908, partial 4-bar (toned) on comic PPC: "Carrying the Male/Still Carrying the Mail on Route #(1)" (man carrying baby); sender's note below: "Norman Iowa/Since May 16-04/Geo.Rasmussen". E $12 MIN.6
MX-53. Cuba, MO, 1912 (Feb 29), F duplex (killer off R) LEAP YEAR canx on PPC. E $20
MX-54. Saint Louis, MO, 1904, VF Int'l (lite tone) on PPC w/prohibited "Postal Card" wording in header. E $12 MIN.6
MX-55. Saint Louis, MO, 1911, G Int'l (tears; tip nick) on GLASSINE cvr w/enc.PPC w/beaded pix side. E $15 MIN.8
MX-56. Saint Louis, MO, 1917, VG Int'l on black-border MOURNING cvr w/enc.thank you card. E $12 MIN.6
MX-57. Saint Louis, MO, 1917, VG Int'l on black-border MOURNING cvr w/enc.thank you card. E $12 MIN.6
MX-58. Walker, MO, 1914, F duplex (multi-crs) on PPC to Hettinger, ND: "Saw your name in a poucn... What do you do?-work in the P.O.?". E $8
MX-59. Hopewell, NJ, 1893, partial CDS/cork; 1c blue on black-border MOURNING cvr w/enc.funeral invitation. E $12 MIN.6
MX-60. Paterson, NJ, 1892, G+ duplex; 2c red on black-border MOURNING cvr w/enc.funeral invitation. E $12 MIN.6
MX-61. Paterson, NJ, 1957, G+ Univ.; "45th Anniv.of teh Alhtaha Council/Boy Scouts of America" cachet w/illus.scout; 3c Boy Scouts on cvr. E $6
MX-62. Pennington, NJ, 1900, G+ CDS/cork (bit lite tone; slight trim R) 1c green on black-border MOURNING cvr w/enc.funeral invitation card. E $12 MIN.6
MX-63. Trenton, NJ, 1957, VG Univ.; Geo.Washington Council cc; "Scout-O-Rama" illus.cachet (3 scouts); 3c Boy Scouts on cvr. E $6
MX-64. Brooklyn/Sta.S, NY, 1900, G duplex; embossed full-color illus.POSEIDON holding orange log on flap on cvr. E $14
MX-65. Buffalo, NY, 1931, VF Univ.; pair 1c Frank. on 2.25x6.5" bookmark "Mailing Card" PPC; letter rate required for message on add.side. E $15 MIN.8
MX-66. Buffalo, NY, 1960, F Univ.; Golden Jubilee Scoutarama/Buffalo Area Council cachet (Geo.Washington) 4c Boy Scouts on cvr. E $6
MX-67. Cortland, NY, 1960, VF machine; "20th Anniv.Boy Scouts/Tioughnioga Council" cachet w/illus.Indian chief; 4c Boy Scouts on cvr. E $6
MX-68. Cortland, NY, 1965, G+ DCDS; "25 Years of Service/Tioughnioga Council" cachet w/illus.Scout emblem & map; 4c Boy Scouts on cvr. E $6
MX-69. Hamilton, NY, 1960, F Int'l; "Madison Cty Council/Scouts in Action/Reid Athletic Center/Colgate Univ." cachet w/Scout emblem & bldg; 4c Boy Scouts on cvr. E $6
MX-70. New York, NY, 1900, G+ duplex (partly off T; bit o/s; upper R edge slit; few stain spots B) Daggett & Ramsdel, Chemists & Druggists cc; INTACT wire opener at B on cvr. E $15
MX-71. Rochester, NY, 1901, partial Amer/B14() (dial mostly off L) on 2.5x3.5" black-border MOURNING cvr. E $15 MIN.8
MX-72. Troy, NY, 1899, VG Amer/B14()dd (bit lite tone) on black-border MOURNING cvr. E $8
MX-73. Dayton, OH, 1921, G+ Int'l on 3x5" "Truck Automobile Certificate" for "gas powered" Ford. E $15
MX-74. Springfield, OH, 1953, VG 3c PB meter; Ohio Thermometer Co.mailing label; "Glass/Handle With Care" label on reverse; on 7x2x1" box w/enc.MEAT THERMOMETER. E $14
MX-75. Tulsa, OK, 1988, partial machine; 15c +pair 5c Xmas on continental PPC w/15-piece JIGSAW PUZZLE (Santa) on pix side. SCARCE to see mailed & intact. E $15 MIN.8
MX-76. Geigers Mills, PA, 1907, F Doane 2/2 on PPC w/prohibited "Postal Card" wording in header. E $8
MX-77. Lancaster, PA, 1906, G+ Colum. (bit o/s) on PPC w/REAL-FUR Teddy Bear & walking stick appliques on pix side (ms message above. SCARCE to see mailed & intact. E $20
MX-78. Philadelphia/Kingsessing Sta., PA, 1906, G Amer/B38 (edges uneven trim) on priv.mailing card w/PROHIBITED "Postal Card" wording in header. E $12 MIN.6
MX-79. Pittsburg, PA, 1907, G+ Int'l (o/s) on PPC w/EMBROIDERED white teddy bear on pix side. SCARCE to see mailed. E $15 MIN.8
MX-80. York, PA, 1918, G+ Amer/A14 (bit cr) York-Adams Rural Letter Carriers' Ass'n meeting/dues notice on GPC. E $8
MX-81. Gatlinburg, TN, 1940, G+ duplex (nail hole L) strip/3x 1c Prexie on 1/4" thick wood PPC (comic). E $12 MIN.6
MX-82. Memphis, TN, 1958, F Univ.; Chickasaw Council, BSA cc; "Boy Scout Week" cachet (emblem; motto) 3c Boy Scouts on cvr. E $6
MX-83. Memphis, TN, 1958, F Univ.; "Scout-O-Rama/Memphis Fair Grounds/Chickasaw Council/Boy Scouts of America" cachet (geometric bird) 3c Boy Scouts on cvr. E $6
MX-84. Nashville, TN, 1904, F Int'l (part lite tone; no flap) 1c Sc.300 on cvr w/encs.: Buford College engraved commencement invitation; schedule card; coed's card. E $15
MX-85. Salt Lake City, UT, 1907, F Barry (tears B) "From Salt Lake City" generic cc; illus."Lion & BEE-HIVE House" on cvr. E $15 MIN.8
MX-86. Lot 2) Salt Lake City, UT, ca.1923, G+ mute oval tying 2c Sc.554; VF precanx on 3c Sc.530 on PPC; also VF precanx on 6c Sc.506 solo on PPC, to same address. Inexplicable uses, but tied 2c verifies as legit. May have been used as "address labels" for parcels, but AS IS for that guess. E $20
MX-87. Chi.Cottage Grove Ave., 1903, G+ CH-3-c on GPC to aunt in Canada: "...you won't be surprised twhe you get this... telling you poor little Lizzie is Dead..." E $20
MX-88. Chicago, Cott.Gro.Av.RPO/Ill, 1904 (Feb 29), G+ CH-3-d (dial hi: "OTT GRO A" off T) LEAP DAY canx on cvr. E $20
MX-89. Anchorage, AK, 1970, G+ machine; "Merrill Field/Paid/Anchorage" boxed h/s tying 31x16mm Local Post label (propellor) by Noel Wien cachet; 10c air on unadd.cvr. E $14
MX-90. Vergennes, VT, 1910, G duplex on 2.75x4.25" MINI-PPC. E $12 MIN.6
MX-91. Philadelphia, PA, ca.1874, G CDS/cork (dial hi: "ADE" off T; crnr crs) "$250 Reward... for the arrest or info (about) the Driver of the Schomacker Piano Wagon, Geo.Nelson, who... robbed said Company..."; detailed description: 33 yrs.old; looks 40; short red moustache; "slightly dull of hearing"; on GPC Sc.UX3. E $40 MIN.20
MX-92. (New Port Richey), FL, ca.1988, VG carrier's red "Beary Christmas" & pictorial TEDDY BEAR in Santa hat undated h/s tying 15c Buffalo Bill (part obscured on stamp but shows fairly well) printed Xmas message & carrier's signature on "Grace" PPC. RARE. Probably unique. E $40
MX-93. "A Merry Christmas./Delmar J.Starkey./Letter Carrier. R.F.D.No.1": horse-drawn wagon in holly wreath; used (Chenoa, IL), ca.1907, VG pen line canx on carrier's Xmas card (Richow ty.G). E $20
MX-94. "A Merry Christmas/and A Happy New Year/Charles L.Littel/Rural Letter Carrier Route No.2": horse-drawn wagon w/holly & bells; used; Sauk City, IA, 1913, G+ duplex; "Friends." 18-line poem on back on carrier's Xmas card (Richow ty.J). E $15 MIN.8
MX-95. "A Merry Christmas/and A Happy New Year/Robert Kitley/Rural Letter Carrier Route No.35": horse-drawn wagon w/holly & bells; used; Julietta, IN, 1913, G+ magenta 4-bar; "Friends." 18-line poem on back on carrier's Xmas card (Richow ty.J) w/high route #. E $20 MIN.10
MX-96. "A Merry Christmas/C.C.Glore/Rural Letter Carrier. Route No.1": horse-drawn wagon & holly; Ipava, IL, address, ca.1912, (bit lite tone; crnr cr) "If" poem on back on RFD carrier's Xmas card (Richow ty.K). E $20 MIN.10
MX-97. "Charles Smit/Route One": RFD carrier portrait in holly wreath (bit uneven trim 3 sides), ca.1910?, on blank-backed 3.5x5.5" Xmas card. E $20
MX-98. "Christmas Greetings!": rural winter scene, ca.1960, printed Xmas wish & postage rates, w/carrier's name h/s on carrier's Xmas PPC. E $12 MIN.6
MX-99. "Compliments of Alex Campbell,/Carrier Route #1/Grundy Center,/Iowa./Dec.25th,--1910": printed message at L; Santa label on stamp box, on Xmas PPC addressed to patron. E $15 MIN.8
MX-100. "Compliments of the Season//C.L.Mahr,/Rural Letter Carrier./RFD No.1": horse-drawn wagon in holly; used; Bushnell, IL, 1910, G+ duplex "To My Friends" 16-line poem horizontally on back; on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.H). E $20 MIN.10
MX-101. "Compliments of the Season//Harry A.Gossard,/Rural Letter Carrier./RFD No.1": horse-drawn wagon in holly; used; Lanark, IL, [1910], G+ mute box above "To My Friends" 16-line poem vertically on back; on unadd.carrier's PPC (Richow ty.H). E $24 MIN.12
MX-102. "Compliments of the Season//Harry B.Rahn,/Rural Letter Carrier./RFD No.2": horse-drawn wagon in holly, ca.1910, "To My Friends" 16-line poem horizontally on back; patron's name in add.area on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.H). E $15 MIN.8
MX-103. "Compliments of the Season//Harry L.Evans,/Rural Letter Carrier./RFD No.1": horse-drawn wagon in holly, ca.1910, "To My Friends" 16-line poem vertically on back; on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.H). E $15 MIN.8
MX-104. "Compliments of the Season//Henry P.Hagerbaumer,/Rural Letter Carrier./RFD No.8": horse-drawn wagon in holly, ca.1910, "To My Friends" 16-line poem vertically on back; on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.H). E $15 MIN.8
MX-105. "Compliments of the Season//Irvin S.Crane,/Rural Letter Carrier./RFD No.1": horse-drawn wagon in holly; used; (indistinct town/state), [1910], partial CDS & patron's name above "To My Friends" 16-line poem vertically on back; on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.H). E $15 MIN.8
MX-106. "Compliments of the Season//Thomas J.Nankivell,/Rural Letter Carrier./RFD No.4": horse-drawn wagon in holly, ca.1910, "To My Friends" 16-line poem vertically on back; on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.H). E $15 MIN.8
MX-107. "Compliments of the Season//U.G.Stephens,/Rural Letter Carrier./RFD No.1": horse-drawn wagon in holly, ca.1910, (edge scuffs T & R) blank back on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.H). E $15 MIN.8
MX-108. "Compliments of the Season//William Rose,/Rural Letter Carrier./RFD No.1": horse-drawn wagon in holly; used, ca.1910, duplex killer only, tying 1c below "To My Friends" 16-line poem vertically on back; patron's name above on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.H). E $15 MIN.8
MX-109. "Compliments of the Season/A Merry Christmas & A Happy New Years./W.D.Smith, #19 Winding Way/Postman #8": illus.carrier handing letter to unseen woman's hand in doorway, ca.1880s?, (bit cr) on 3.5x4.5" card. E $40
MX-110. "Compliments of the Season/Aaron D.Kellogg/Rural Letter Carrier/Route No.1": illus.poinsettias, ca.1911, "My Christmas Wish For You" 16-line poem on back; on carrier's Xmas PPC (Richow ty.L). E $15 MIN.8
MX-111. "Compliments of the Season/Anna L.McNamara/Rural Letter Carrier/Route No.1": illus.poinsettias, ca.1911, "My Christmas Wish For You" 16-line poem on back; on WOMAN carrier's Xmas PPC (Richow ty.L). E $24 MIN.12
MX-112. "Compliments of the Season/C.C.Glore/Rural Letter Carrier. R.F.D.No.1": horse-drawn wagon, carrier & holly; canxed Ipava, IL, 1908, (lite tone; stamp fault) on RFD carrier's Xmas card (UNLISTED type). E $24 MIN.12
MX-113. "Compliments of the Season/C.C.Glore/Rural Letter Carrier. Route No.1": horse-drawn wagon, carrier & holly; canxed Ipava, IL, 1911 (Dec 25), (lite tone) "My Christmas Wish For You" poem printed on back on RFD carrier's Xmas card (Richow ty.L). E $15 MIN.8
MX-114. "Compliments of the Season/C.C.Glore/Rural Letter Carrier/Route No.1": illus.poinsettias; used; Ipava, IL, 1911, partial duplex (town not struck) "My Christmas Wish For You" 16-line poem on back; on carrier's Xmas PPC (Richow ty.L). E $15 MIN.8
MX-115. "Compliments of the Season/C.W.Hopkins/Rural Letter Carrier/Route No.1": illus.poinsettias; used; (Wellington?), IL, 1911, partial 4-bar (town mostly not struck) "My Christmas Wish For You" 16-line poem on back; on carrier's Xmas PPC (Richow ty.L). E $15 MIN.8
MX-116. "Compliments of the Season/Chas.H.Hulvey/Rural Letter Carrier/Route No.2": illus.poinsettias, ca.1911, blank back on carrier's Xmas PPC (Richow ty.L). E $15 MIN.8
MX-117. "Compliments of the Season/Fred Wilson/Rural Letter Carrier/Route No.4": illus.poinsettias, ca.1911, "My Christmas Wish For You" 16-line poem on back; on carrier's Xmas PPC (Richow ty.L). E $15 MIN.8
MX-118. "Compliments of the Season/Geo.B.Loveless/Rural Letter Carrier/Route No.17": illus.poinsettias, ca.1911, "My Christmas Wish For You" 16-line poem on back; on carrier's Xmas PPC (Richow ty.L) w/patrons' names in add.area. E $15 MIN.8
MX-119. "Compliments of the Season/Geo.D.Bassett/Rural Letter Carrier/Route No.1": illus.poinsettias, ca.1911, (lower L tip nick; crnr cr) "My Christmas Wish For You" 16-line poem on back; on carrier's Xmas PPC (Richow ty.L). E $12 MIN.6
MX-120. "Compliments of the Season/Geo.E.Bassett/Rural Letter Carrier/Route No.3": illus.poinsettias, ca.1911, (crs; tear B) "My Christmas Wish For You" 16-line poem & ms message on back; on carrier's Xmas PPC (Richow ty.L). E $12 MIN.6
MX-121. "Compliments of the Season/Geo.W.Shryock/Rural Letter Carrier/Route No.16": illus.poinsettias, ca.1911, "My Christmas Wish For You" 16-line poem on back; on carrier's Xmas PPC (Richow ty.L). E $15 MIN.8
MX-122. "Compliments of the Season/Isaac Murdock/Rural Letter Carrier/Route No.18": illus.poinsettias; used; Manila, IN, 1911, G+ 4-bar (stamp aboug 40% peeled) "My Christmas Wish For You" 16-line poem on back; on carrier's Xmas PPC (Richow ty.L). E $15 MIN.8
MX-123. "Compliments of the Season/J.M.Compty/Rural Letter Carrier/Route No.11": illus.poinsettias, ca.1911, "My Christmas Wish For You" 16-line poem on back; on carrier's Xmas PPC (Richow ty.L). E $15 MIN.8
MX-124. "Compliments of the Season/John D.Conner/Rural Letter Carrier/Route No.33": illus.poinsettias, ca.1911, "My Christmas Wish For You" 16-line poem on back; on carrier's Xmas PPC (Richow ty.L). E $15 MIN.8
MX-125. "Compliments of the Season/John W.Byers/Rural Letter Carrier/Route No.20": illus.poinsettias; used; Rochester, IL, 1911, G+ 4-bar (dial hi: "CHE" parlty off) "My Christmas Wish For You" 16-line poem on back; on carrier's Xmas PPC (Richow ty.L). E $15 MIN.8
MX-126. "Compliments of the Season/Miss Nella N.Drybread/Letter Carrier,/R.F.D.No.1": horse-drawn wagon & holly, ca.1907?, on carrier's Xmas card (Richow ty.F). SCARCE type, w/woman's (unusual) name. E $30 MIN.15
MX-127. "Compliments of the Season/Otto A.Pugh/Rural Letter Carrier/Route No.9": illus.poinsettias; used; Montpelier, IN, 1911, F duplex (bit of offset ink on pix side) "My Christmas Wish For You" 16-line poem on back; on carrier's Xmas PPC (Richow ty.L). E $15 MIN.8
MX-128. "Compliments of the Season/R.B.Hershey/Rural Letter Carrier/Route No.2": illus.poinsettias; used; Gap, PA, ca.1911, G+ mute box; "My Christmas Wish For You" 16-line poem on back; on carrier's Xmas PPC (Richow ty.L). E $15 MIN.8
MX-129. "Compliments of the Season/Richard B.Wood./Rural Letter Carrier. R.F.D.No.5": horse-drawn wagon & holly; used; Clifton, KS, 1910, partial CDS; "To My Friends." 16-line poem on back on carrier's Xmas card (Richow ty.H). E $20
MX-130. "Compliments of the Season/U.S.Mail/(Frank Gwin/Xmas 1909)/Rural Letter Carrier,/R.F.D.No.1": horse-drawn wagon in wreath; HANDWRITTEN carrier name; used; Soldier Home, IN, 1909 (Dec 25), G+ duplex (part on stamp; lite crs) on carrier's Xmas card (Richow ty.I) to I.S.S.Home, Lafayette. E $24 MIN.12
MX-131. "Compliments of the Season/U.S.Mail/Clarence Herzberger,/Rural Letter Carrier,/R.F.D.No.1": horse-drawn wagon in wreath; used; Beardstown, IL, 1909, on carrier's Xmas card (Richow ty.I). E $15 MIN.8
MX-132. "Compliments of the Season/U.S.Mail/James A.Frazier, Carrier/Arlie Keck, (Substitute)/Rural Letter Carriers": horse-drawn wagon in wreath; used; Arcadia, IN, 1909, G CDS/Rec'd as origin, tying 1c Frank.on pix side; patron's name written at T on carrier's Xmas card (Richow ty.I) w/"The Pennies in the Box" 40-line poem on back. E $40 MIN.20
MX-133. "Compliments of the Season/U.S.Mail/W.G.Olfield,/Rural Letter Carrier,/R.F.D.No.1": horse-drawn wagon in wreath, ca.1909, on carrier's Xmas card (Richow ty.I). E $15 MIN.8
MX-134. "Compliments of the Season/W.J.Morrison/Rural Letter Carrier/Route No.1": illus.poinsettias; used; Marne, IA, 1911, partial duplex (heavy crnr crs; short ink line on pix side) "My Christmas Wish For You" 16-line poem on back; on carrier's Xmas PPC (Richow ty.L). E $15 MIN.8
MX-135. "Compliments of the Season/Your Name Here./Rural Letter Carrier/Route No.13": illus.poinsettias; SALESMAN'S SAMPLE, ca.1911, (bit lite tone) few surface scuffs on blank back; on carrier's Xmas PPC (Richow ty.L). RARE. E $40
MX-136. "Compliments/of the Season/(I will bring your mail Xmas.Day.)/Samuel L.Croy,/(This is my tenth year as a)Rural Letter Carrier./U.S.Mail/(on)RFD No.2": horse-drawn wagon in wreath, w/carrier's ms notes, ca.1909?, "Pennies in the Box" 40-line poem on back; on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.I). Maybe ex-Richow, as this is CATALOG COPY. E $40
MX-137. "Compliments/of the Season/C.C.Glore,/Rural Letter Carrier,/U.S.Mail/RFD No.1": horse-drawn wagon in wreath, ca.1909?, "Pennies in the Box" 40-line poem on back; on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.I). E $15 MIN.8
MX-138. "Compliments/of the Season/Edgar D.Cochran,/Rural Letter Carrier,/U.S.Mail/RFD No.2": horse-drawn wagon in wreath, ca.1909?, patron's name written on otherwise blank back on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.I). E $20 MIN.10
MX-139. "Compliments/of the Season/Geo.W.Lester,/Rural Letter Carrier,/U.S.Mail": horse-drawn wagon in wreath; route # OMITTED, ca.1909?, "Pennies in the Box" 40-line poem on back; on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.I). E $24 MIN.12
MX-140. "Compliments/of the Season/H.H.Doane,/Rural Letter Carrier,/RFD No.41./U.S.Mail/Earlville, Illinois.": horse-drawn wagon in wreath, ca.1909?, "Pennies in the Box" 40-line poem on back; on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.I). SCARCE w/town/state. E $24 MIN.12
MX-141. "Compliments/of the Season/Happy R.Jolly,/Rural Letter Carrier/U.S.Mail/RFD No.23": horse-drawn wagon in wreath; likely a SALESMAN'S SAMPLE, with unlikely name, ca.1909?, (crs; tear L) penciled "Herman Stettbacher, Altamont, Illnois" on otherwise blank back; on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.I). E $24 MIN.12
MX-142. "Compliments/of the Season/James A.Frazier, Carrier/Arlie Keck, (Substitute)/Rural Letter Carriers/U.S.Mail": horse-drawn wagon in wreath, ca.1909?, part of canx rim at upper R, where stamp removed; patron's name written by wreath (lower R edge scuff) "Pennies in the Box" 40-line poem on back; on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.I). SCARCE type, w/Sub carrier's name included & route # omitted. E $30 MIN.15
MX-143. "Compliments/of the Season/M.S.Millott,/Rural Letter Carrier./U.S.Mail/RFD No.5": horse-drawn wagon in wreath, ca.1909?, "Pennies in the Box" 40-line poem on back; on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.I). E $15 MIN.8
MX-144. "Compliments/of the Season/W.R.Myers,/Rural Letter Carrier/U.S.Mail/RFD No.2": horse-drawn wagon in wreath, ca.1909?, (lower L crnr scuff) blank back on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.I). E $20
MX-145. "Greetings/(3-line greeting)/G.Gray/Carrier RFD #5/New Castle, Indiana": w/printed name/#; illus.bell; 8-line poem on back, on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
MX-146. "Greetings/As we journey forth each day... (4-line poem)/M.C.Walker/Rural Letter Carrier #2/Rocky Ford, Colorado": printed on 2.25x3.5" card. E $6
MX-147. "A Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year/Arthur Baker/Rural Letter Carrier/Route No.2": horse-drawn wagon, holly & 2 gold bells, ca.1913, "Friends" 18-line poem on back; w/ms patron's name on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.J). E $15 MIN.8
MX-148. "A Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year/Edgar D.Cochran/Rural Letter Carrier/Route No.2": horse-drawn wagon, holly & 2 gold bells; used; Keystone, IN, 1913, G+ duplex; (bit cr; tiny tears T) "Friends" 18-line poem on back; on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.J). E $20
MX-149. "A Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year/Frank Jones & Laura E.Jones/Rural Letter Carrier/Route No.2": horse-drawn wagon, holly & 2 gold bells, ca.1913, (lite tip tone; very lite crs) "Friends" 18-line poem on back; on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.J); RARE husband/wife combo. E $40
MX-150. "Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year/Greetings from yourCarrier, J.R.Dingsley":, [1907], printed on pix side of unmailed PPC. E $12 MIN.6
MX-151. "A Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year/Herbert A.Ramsdell/Rural Letter Carrier/Route No.28": horse-drawn wagon, holly & 2 gold bells; used; Scotts, MI, 1913 (Dec 25), G+ 4-bar; "Friends" 18-line poem on back; on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.J). E $20
MX-152. "A Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year/J.W.East/Rural Letter Carrier/Route No.1": horse-drawn wagon, holly & 2 gold bells, ca.1913, "Friends" 18-line poem on back; on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.J) ms "John Worthington"(patron, or replacement carrier?) written below carrier name. E $20
MX-153. "A Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year/John R.Bird/Rural Letter Carrier/Route No.1": horse-drawn wagon, holly & 2 gold bells, ca.1913, "Friends" 18-line poem on back; on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.J). E $15 MIN.8
MX-154. "A Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year/Your Name Here./Rural Letter Carrier/Route No.13": horse-drawn wagon, holly & 2 gold bells, ca.1913, "Friends" 18-line poem on back w/adjacent text, saying that poem is optional; on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.J). RARE SALESMAN'S SAMPLE. E $40
MX-155. "A Merry Christmas/Albert A.Brodie,/Rural Letter Carrier./Route No.2" holly & horse-drawn wagon; used, 1912, G+ magenta CDS/Rec'd (dial hi: tips of "RD" off) appears that letters "EC" are excised from B arc, leaving "R D" for "Rural Delivery"? "IF" 16-line poem on back; on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.K). E $30
MX-156. "A Merry Christmas/C.M.French,/Rural Letter Carrier./Route No.1" holly & horse-drawn wagon; used; Attica, MI, ca.1912, VG RFD 11F/1 ms scribble only; "IF" 16-line poem on back; on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.K). E $24
MX-157. "A Merry Christmas/Charles E.Maierhofer,/Rural Letter Carrier./Route No.29" holly & horse-drawn wagon; used, ca.1912, "IF" 16-line poem on back; on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.K). E $20
MX-158. "A Merry Christmas/Chas.F.Mersbach,/Rural Letter Carrier./Route No.1" holly & horse-drawn wagon w/ms "Tripoli, Ia." below name; used; Tripoli, 1912, partial CDS; "IF" 16-line poem on back; on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.K). E $20
MX-159. "A Merry Christmas/Clarence Herzberger,/Rural Letter Carrier./Route No.2" holly & horse-drawn wagon; "Dec 25 1912" magenta h/s date at B, "IF" 16-line poem on back; on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.K) w/patron's name in add.area. E $20
MX-160. "A Merry Christmas/E.D.Stine,/Rural Letter Carrier./Route No.3" holly & horse-drawn wagon; used; Cisne, IL, 1912, partial duplex "IF" 16-line poem on back; on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.K). E $20
MX-161. "A Merry Christmas/Frank J.Gould,/Rural Letter Carrier./Route No.1" holly & horse-drawn wagon; used; Stoddard, WI, 1912, G+ 4-bar; "IF" 16-line poem on back; on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.K). E $20
MX-162. "A Merry Christmas/Henry Kirchoff,/Rural Letter Carrier./Route No.1" holly & horse-drawn wagon; used; unnamed town/state, ca.1912, VF carrier's FANCY INITIALS cut in cork, socked on nose on 1c Wash.; "IF" 16-line poem on back; on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.K). E $24 MIN.12
MX-163. "A Merry Christmas/Herbert C.Darnell,/Rural Letter Carrier./Route No.3" holly & horse-drawn wagon; used; Roanoke, IL, 1912, G+ duplex (state not struck) "IF" 16-line poem on back; on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.K) w/Minonk, IL, address. E $24 MIN.12
MX-164. "A Merry Christmas/John R.Corporon,/Rural Letter Carrier./Route No.1" holly & horse-drawn wagon, ca.1912, "IF" 16-line poem on back; on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.K). E $20
MX-165. "A Merry Christmas/M.C.Martz,/Kathryn Keck, SUBSTITUTE./Route No.16" holly & horse-drawn wagon, "IF" 16-line poem on back; on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.K). RARE: WOMAN SUBSTITUTE carrier's name included. E $60
MX-166. "A Merry Christmas/R.E.Davis,/Rural Letter Carrier./Route No.5" holly & horse-drawn wagon; used; Worthington, MN, 1912, VF duplex "IF" 16-line poem on back; on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.K). E $20
MX-167. "Merry Christmas/Ralph C.Brace/Letter Carrier, RFD #6": horse-drawn wagon in holly wreath, (lite tone; bit uneven trim R). E $8
MX-168. "A Merry Christmas/Your Name Here,/Rural Letter Carrier./Route No.25" holly & horse-drawn wagon; SALESMAN'S SAMPLE, ca.1912, (part lite tone) "IF" 16-line poem on back; on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.K). RARE. E $40
MX-169. "Merry Xmas 1914/New Year 1915/A.E.Johnson/Rural Letter Carrier, No.16": fireplace & 2 winter scenes, on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.Q). E $24
MX-170. "Merry Xmas 1914/New Year 1915/B.H.Wise/Rural Letter Carrier, No.1": fireplace & 2 winter scenes, on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.Q). E $24
MX-171. "Merry Xmas 1914/New Year 1915/C.R.Marschall/Rural Letter Carrier, No.2": fireplace & 2 winter scenes, "Read Me/Keep Me/Parcel Post or Fourth Class Mail" full rate chart & info on back of carrier's PPC (Richow ty.Q). RARE. E $50
MX-172. "Merry Xmas 1914/New Year 1915/E.N.Gillespie/Rural Letter Carrier, No.30": fireplace & 2 winter scenes, on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.Q) w/patron's name on back. E $24
MX-173. "Merry Xmas 1914/New Year 1915/L.H.Wilkinson/Rural Letter Carrier, No.25": fireplace & 2 winter scenes, on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.Q). E $24
MX-174. "Merry Xmas 1914/New Year 1915/On this His Birthday...": fireplace & winter scenes; used; (Indistinct town, MN), 1914, partial duplex (town not struck) on carrier's Xmas card (Richow ty.Q) to Sumner, IA. Unusual cross-state use. E $30
MX-175. "Merry Xmas 1914/New Year 1915/On this His Birthday...": fireplace & winter scenes; used; Gardner, IL, 1914, G+ Time-Cmns on carrier's Xmas card (Richow ty.Q). E $24
MX-176. "Merry Xmas 1914/New Year 1915/On this His Birthday...": fireplace & winter scenes; used; Roanoke, IL, 1914, G duplex (dial hi: town mostly off) on carrier's Xmas card (Richow ty.Q) w/ms personalized note. E $30
MX-177. "The Old Mill": mill & mailboxes in winter scene, ca.1960s, printed message on back on mail carrier's "Grace Card" PPC. E $8
MX-178. "Season's Greetings.../from your Rural Letter Carrier": cartoon winter scene, carrier in car; used; Covert, MI, ca.1950s, G+ precanx; 2c Jeff. on carrier's Xmas card. E $15 MIN.8
MX-179. "The Season's Greetings/Happy R.Jolly/Rural Letter Carrier/Route No.1": horse-drawn wagon in winter scene, ca.1915, (crs) "IF" 24-line poem on back w/adjacent text, saying that poem is optional; comic fictional carrier name on RARE SALESMAN'S SAMPLE PPC (Richow ty.D). E $30 MIN.15
MX-180. "The Season's Greetings/Warnie E.Thaney/Rural Letter Carrier/Route No.1": horse-drawn wagon in winter scene; used; Marshfield, IN, 1915, "IF" 24-line poem on back; on carrier's PPC (Richow ty.D). E $24 MIN.12
MX-181. "Thank You": mail carrier, ca.1960s, printed New Year greeting w/carrier's ms note & signature on "Grace" PPC. E $12 MIN.6
MX-182. "Thank You": poinsettias & letter basket, ca.1960s, (lite crnr cr) printed message on back on mail carrier's "Grace Card" PPC. E $6
MX-183. "The Season's Greetings/C.C.Glore/Rural Letter Carrier. Route No.1": horse-drawn wagon & mailbox; Ipava, IL, address, ca.1915, (crnr crs) "If" poem on back on RFD carrier's Xmas card (Richow ty.D). E $24 MIN.12
MX-184. "The Season's Greetings/Chas.A.Hill/Rural Letter Carrier. Route No.1": horse-drawn wagon & mailbox; used; Roanoke, IL, ca.1915, G+ magenta mute box (tip cr) "If-" 24-line poem on back on carrier's Xmas card (Richow ty.D). E $24
MX-185. "Yuletide Greetings/(3-line greeting)/Carrier RFD #(5)/New Castle, Indiana": w/ms #; illus.3 bells; 24-line poem "IF" on back, on PPC. E $12 MIN.6
MX-186. Lot 470+) cvrs/cards: towns, commer.cc's, machines, street cars, 1st days, PPCs, much miscellaneous, 19th-20th century, (varied condition) balance of consignment batch; LOW minimum bid. MIN.$150
MX-187. Lot 1300+) cvrs/cards: predominantly flag cancels w/hundreds of diff.towns/types, inc.Expos; many commer.cc's; plus military, ships, commems, 1st days, foreign, misc., 19th-20th century, (varied condition) balance of consignment batch; LOW minimum bid. MIN.$425
MX-188. Nairobi, Kenya, 1954, G machine (tiny tear T) 1/+20c +5c on continental PPC to U.S.: REAL PHOTO close-up young "Masai Woman" w/small BARE BREASTS exposed. E $15 MIN.8
MX-189. Noumea, New Caledonia, 1964, G+ CDS; 10f +1f +2x 2f on PPC to U.S.: BARE-BREASTED woman standing on large coconut tree limb, extending over ocean. SCARCE to see mailed. E $15 MIN.8
MX-190. Johannesburg, South Africa, 1974, partial machine on air PPC to U.S. (2 young Xhosa girls hoeing field, 1 w/BARE BREASTS exposed). SCARCE to see mailed. E $15 MIN.8
MX-191. Lot 10) odd mix: France, Belgium, Belgian Congo (5), U.S. (3), 1900-60s, on cvrs/cards. E $24
MX-192. Avon/First Class Male/Wild Country After Shave: black & red 4-oz.bottle (4.5x2x2") shaped like USPS MAIL DROPBOX; w/orig.contents in orig.box, ca.1970s. E $12 MIN.6
MX-193. "Card of Honor/Model Scholar": 4.25x6.75" card; illus.boy angel in white coat blowing trumpet; Liberty Township, MI (tip crs), [1890]. E $20
MX-194. "The Cohen Coin Book": Cleveland, OH, dealer's 3.5x6" 36-pg.illus.price book, ca.1938. E $15 MIN.8
MX-195. Lot 2: "Confederate Currency/Antiqued Reproductions": Sets A & B, each containing 6 diff.replicas of original currency, in original large-window envelope packaging, (back of "A" envelope bit wrinkled; everything else VF). E $20 MIN.10
MX-196. "Encyclopedia of Colored People": 4.5x6" 128-pg.booklet publ.by Overton-Hygienic Mfg.Co., Chicago; loaded w/illus.ads for products for black people, 1921, MUCH interesting info: black populations of states/cities; MANY pages on the meaning of dreams; superstitions; "colored" organizations & religions (front cover about 2/3 separated). GREAT historic item. E $40
MX-197. "First Commencement of Hollister Public School/Class of '97": 3.5x5" 3-panel program card w/die-cut edges; 5 grads names; state unnamed, 1897. E $15 MIN.8
MX-198. "Indiana/'500'/W9RVM": PPC-sized QSL card; illus.race card & checkered flag; unmailed, [1954]. E $20
MX-199. "Minutes of the Joint Conference Held in Chicago/Jan 27-Feb 5, 1926/Between Porters & Maids and the Pullman Company": 4x6" 78-pg.booklet, details of conference between RR company & predominantly black employees: "...When all other doors were closed to the colored race, the Pullman Co.opened its doors & showed that they trusted you..." (faded signature on front panel); GREAT historic item. E $40
MX-200. Oregon City's (OR) 3rd Annual Territorial Days Celebration: 3x5.75" 4-panel illus.ad flyer & program, 1937. E $12 MIN.6
MX-201. "Peters Weatherbird Shoes": 3.25x6.25" ad blotter; full-color illus.boy & girl, ca.1940s? E $12 MIN.6
MX-202. "Postal Telegraph" Errand Service: 3x5.75" ad blotter; illus.messenger, ca.1930s? E $12 MIN.6
MX-203. "A Hand Book of Vacation Trips in Alaska, Atlin & the Yukon/On the White Pass & Yukon Route": 3.5x6" 60-pg.illus.booklet LOADED w/info & historical data, 1928. E $20
MX-204. "A Hand Book of Vacation Trips in Alaska & the Yukon/On the White Pass & Yukon Route": 3.5x6" 56-pg.illus.booklet LOADED w/info & historical data, ca.1938? E $15 MIN.8
MX-205. "North of the Arctic Circle/White Pass & Yukon Route": 3.5x6" 40-pg.illus.booklet LOADED w/info & historical data, ca.1943?, (lite soiled; passenger's pencil notes & "Ft.Yukon/Arctic Circle" pictorial h/s. E $15 MIN.8
MX-206. Lot 3) Lindner cover albums; all w/padded covers, black inserts in pages; 9.25x5.75x2" outer dimensions, 1 brown w/47 pages (4x7", inside edge loading); 2 green w/49 & 50 pages (4x7.5", top loading); each page holds 2 covers back-to-back, so the 3 will accommodate 292 covers. MIN.$38
MX-207. Safeguard cover album: 9.5x9.5" overall, w/padded front & back; 26 2-pocket pages (each pocket approx.4x7"), holds 104 standard-size covers back-to-back; inside edge load, (29 pockets w/black paper inserts; 23 without, but you can make more if you wish) used; good condition. E $30 MIN.15
MX-208. Supersafe cover album: 10x9.25" overall, w/padded front & back; 32 2-pocket pages (each pocket approx.4.25x7"), holds 128 standard-size covers back-to-back; top edge load, 3-ring pages (NEW, in package) are removable & rearrangeable; PLUS: additional album binder-only (no pages). E $40 MIN.20
MX-209. Willimantic Linen Co.: 2.75x4.5" trade card; otherwise nude boy in top hat & tails, flying above earth w/white thread: "I'll put a girdle (of Willimantic Thread) round about the Earth in forty minutes", [1881], (tiny tip scuff; adhesive toning on back) WEIRD. E $15 MIN.8

Mail Bid Sale Catalog: Section 1
Mail Bid Sale Catalog: Section 2
Mail Bid Sale Catalog: Section 3
Mail Bid Sale Catalog: Section 4
Mail Bid Sale Catalog: Section 5
Mail Bid Sale Catalog: Section 6

States are listed in alphabetical order, followed by:
Advertising (AD)
Airmail/Flights (AM)
Auxiliary (AX)
Expositions (EX)
First Day Covers (FC)
Foreign Destinations (FD)
Literature (LT)
Machines (MC)
Meters (MR)
Military (MY)
Picture Postcards (PC)
Political & Inaugurations (PO)
RPO & Related (inc. corner cards & street cars)(RR)
Seals (SL)
Ships (SS)
Stamps on Cover (ST)
Territories (TR)
World-Wide (WW)
Miscellaneous (MX)

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